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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 533

Elena's words fell clearly, for Edward that full of enthusiasm, but also viciously splashed a pot of cold water, so that he instantly also followed the sobriety.

"Elena ......" he mumbled to her.

Elena nodded, "Yes, I'm Elena, I'm not Joanna."

Elena ......

Joanna ......

Edward frowned, the names of two people suddenly kept circling in his mind, making him even more confused.

Elena looked at his appearance and wordlessly backed up to the door, as if she could flee immediately if anything went wrong with him.

"You're leaving?" Edward suddenly looked up at her and asked after her, "Elena, are you leaving me? Are you running away?"

Inexplicably, Elena's grip on the door handle tightened, but her small face always looked at him and shook her head, "No, I didn't, I won't run away ......"

"No?" He looked puzzled.

Elena nodded at him, "Yeah, it won't happen, you trust me."

At those words, the guard on the man's face slackened for a few moments, and then smiled harmlessly at her and said, "Then come here, to my face."

"No. ......"

Elena subconsciously shook her head again.

Edward immediately became upset, "If you don't want to escape, then why don't you want to come to me, do I annoy you that much?"


"Then you come over here!"

"No. ......"

Elena looked at Edward, who was increasingly on the verge of collapse, and always shook her head firmly, but this time, she didn't even think about it and unlocked the door and quickly escaped from the study.

Elena didn't even dare to look back, and the moment she rushed out of the study she once again slammed that door heavily shut, then took small steps down the stairs protecting her belly.

Behind him, Edward's growling voice burrowed into his eardrums, "Elena, you lied to me!"

She said she wouldn't run away, she didn't want to run away, but now, she's determined to disappear from his world without a moment's hesitation, just like Joanna!


At the entrance of the staircase, Edward's lion-like roaring voice came again, Elena was frightened almost slipped and fell directly down, but fortunately, quick eyes and hands quickly grabbed the handrail.

"Elena, you can't escape, this is the Fords, this is G City, I'm in charge of everything here, and you can't go anywhere without my permission!"

Elena closed her eyes and kept convincing herself not to listen, not to believe, to go fast, to speed up.

She knows that her body is very bulky at this time, wanting to escape is simply a nightmare, but she knows even better, she has a feeling that if she is caught by Edward now, she and her children may ...... have a hard time escaping!

So, she can't stop!

The direction of the gate was in sight, and Elena's heart rejoiced that once she was out of here, she could go to Dr. Shaw, to the housekeeper, and with them around, nothing would happen.

"Elena ......"

A strong, powerful hand reached out and grabbed her hand directly, also stopping her in her tracks ......


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