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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 538

When Adele came back into the room, Elena was already back in bed, not looking at her.

Adele shrugged her head and couldn't help but speak in a whisper again, "Elena, are you ...... still angry?"

The latter did not answer, but quietly held the quilt there to lie at ease, as if nothing can hear the general, eyes tightly closed.

"Elena," Adele sighed softly, "I know you must blame me, but I can really explain, I really didn't say anything, everything was Mr. Ford's own guess, and I had no choice but to... ..."

Halfway through her words, she also knew she was in the wrong, and wordlessly clenched her hand, "Elena, if you really want to blame me, just hit me and scold me, if it makes your heart feel better to do that."

"No need." The person on the bed spoke in a flat, inaudible tone of joy and sorrow.

Adele more guilt, but also afraid that she has resentment against himself heart can not help but follow the violent beating up.

"Elena ......"

Adele still wanted to say something, Elena lifted the covers and sat up, "Even if you still have an ounce of guilt now, please go out and let me calm myself down!"

"But, Mr. Ford ......"

"Don't mention Edward to me again, I only ask you one thing, to go out, or not to go out?"

If she doesn't go out, there's nothing to say. If she does, immediately close the door and leave her alone in peace.

Adele was in a dilemma, hesitant to do anything about it.

Elena quickly understood the meaning of her silence and withdrew her eyes on the face, "Okay, I understand."

"Elena ......" Adele's speech is not good enough, "I know I am wrong, but Mr. Ford's words I do not dare to disobey ah, so I have to give you, but you do not worry, when Mr. Ford's anger subsided, I will ...... Mr. Ford is not angry, I will ......"

"It's not necessary!"

She interrupted her sternly and lay back down, "I want to be quiet for a while, don't wake me up, call me when Dr. Shaw comes."

Adele had nothing to say but to nod and say, "Yes ......"

Elena is really tired, a whole night did not sleep well, this time the sky is open and bright, inside and outside there are servants walking, but also inexplicably let her feel at ease a little drowsy ......

Inside the hotel, Logan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the scenery downstairs, frowning tightly, holding in his hand the phone microphone incessantly came Zach's words, "Earlier you asked me to check the package now temporarily no news, but now still continue to receive, one after another, should have eight."

"Eight of them?" The man's face became more and more gloomy, "Such a situation has appeared so many times now and still can't find out!?"

If it was in the past, the traces would have been discovered, but it was simply as if nothing had happened, and there was no interruption in the sending of them.

Zach felt a little guilty, "I'm sorry, I've been focusing on the S City side of the land too much for a while now, and there's also the Edward thing I've been ......"

Before he finished his words, Logan already understood the meaning of his words, and then could not help but helplessly raised his hand and rubbed his brow and said, "Okay, I'm all clear."


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