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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 557

Next to her was the familiar scent of a man, Elena clutched his hand and interlocked her fingers.

As she drifted off to sleep she instantly drew her mind back from the dream, "Will you go?"

Logan was stunned, met her eyes and shook his head hauntingly, "No."

"Then you'll still be by my side when I wake up, right?" The little woman's voice carried a little tension and a little caution, as if she was worried about something.

The man squeezed his palms tighter and his large hands covered her eyes to keep her from looking at him.

"No. ......"

Elena closed her eyes and did not move again.

Logan gritted his teeth and reminded, "No talking, sleep honestly!"

The voice in her ears seemed to be slightly angry, Elena was so scared that she closed her eyes again and tried desperately to convince herself to sleep at ease ......

Elena is really tired, has been awake because of willpower in support, but this time once asleep in the past simply can not wake up, not more than a minute of time, even breathing slowly overflowed.

Logan watched in silence for a while, unconsciously lost in thought, until Jeff came back to the ward to remind him that the time was almost up before he drew back from it.

The man got up very gently, hardly ever disturbed anything, but the fingers interlocked hands can not let go, caught in the dream world of the little woman also seems to feel something like how unwilling to let go of the hand.

"Elena?" Jeff tried to call out, and the small woman's brow furrowed slightly, and she immediately had a tendency to wake up.

Logan turned and glared at him, gesturing for him to get out.

Jeff was innocent, "I wasn't thinking she could get loose?"

Logan once again plucked out a glance at him, making his backbone a chill attack, not daring to have half a word of complaint, also let him immediately raised his hands in surrender repeatedly answered, "Okay, I go out, I go out, but you must remember ah, Edward woke up is not a joke."

Elena and the child can not leave the hospital now, at least for a week, if not, the body is not properly handled later on the roots of the disease will be a disaster.

What's more, Elena's body was already weaker than normal, and she had many accidents when she was pregnant with her baby, which is why she needs to pay more attention than normal people.

Logan's other free hand clenched into a silent fist as he clenched his teeth and lowered his voice, "I know!"

It is because he knows so he is extraordinarily angry, as if he is angry with himself.

Jeff skimmed his lips, "You have it in your heart, then I'll go out first, you look after yourself."

After saying that, the figure has disappeared into the ward.

Logan looked at Elena, who was sleeping, and could not conceal the loss in his eyes.

His large hand gently caressed her cheek, and soft words slowly spat out from his thin lips, "I'm sorry ......"

He lied to her.

Now, he can't guard her wake up, but, no matter what his heart knows better than anyone else, that day, is definitely not far away!


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