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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 560

Elena didn't answer, just met his gaze wordlessly.

Silence is the best answer at this moment, Eeyore.

Edward heart grief, but can not deny, and do not know what to say, he just helplessly shook his head.

"Elena, I can't imagine that this is how I am in your heart ...... Can you give me some trust? Even a little bit?"

Elena clenched her lower lip, and her hands were even more silently clenched into fists.

Edward still shook his head, his heart couldn't be clearer about her answer, "I understand ......"

He slowly walked back to her bed and took her hand in his big hand and placed it against his chest as well, "Elena, I know you don't trust me because you're afraid I'll do something to hurt you, right?"

"I ......"

Elena violently tried to draw her hands back, but found that he was so strong that she could not draw them back at all.

Edward locked her eyes tightly, not letting her escape, "Elena, I swear to you that I will never hurt you again from now on, so try to accept me, don't be afraid of me ...... I won't do anything to you, I just know you don't want to see me so I'm thinking of leave to give you a little privacy."

His words were so sincere that for a moment Elena really believed them.

But soon she also quickly reacted, the mind is all the things he had done, and his words, everything is so vivid, so she simply can not forget.

She shook her head off and quickly brought herself back to her senses.

"No......" she still shook her head, "Edward, how do you expect me to trust you?"

Edward moved his lips, wanting to explain, but the words came to his mouth but suddenly found himself not even half convincing, much less able to say half the words to.

"I'm sorry ......" he dropped his eyes, his eyes tinged with guilt.

Elena hooked her lips and smiled, "I don't need your sorry, if you really feel sorry, you should reunite us as a family instead of separating us, it was never what I wanted or what I chose ......"

She even looked forward to staying with Logan for the rest of her life, and she could stay by his side with peace of mind, and the children ......

That kind of picture just a little imagined let her can not help but fascinated up, can not hide the yearning.

"No way!"

At the mention of this, Edward once again refused without hesitation, and he violently released her hand, determined not to compromise.

"Elena, I can promise you everything, but this is the only thing I can't promise ...... I don't want to promise you either!"

She should stay by his side for the rest of her life, she is not allowed to go anywhere, she can't go anywhere!

"Heh!" Elena's eyes were full of sarcasm, "If that's the case, what makes you think I can trust you? You still haven't changed anything, much less thought about changing!"

From beginning to end, he was as bossy and determined as ever, not letting her have half a choice, and since that was the case, don't talk to her about making her trust him or anything like that!


Edward saw her disappointment once again, and guilt rose in his eyes.

The hands hanging at the sides tightened silently, and when he raised his eyes again, he had resumed his usual decisiveness, "I know that you will never believe it now, but time will prove everything ......"

"How can I prove it?" She asked with a sneer, "Edward, you are so confident that you think that time can make me forget everything, forget my love for Logan and also forget my hatred for you!"


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