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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 570

"Grandpa." Logan's voice calmed, his tone following a few moments of lightness as he thought about what he was about to bring up, "Congratulations, on your promotion to Grand-Grandpa George."

"sh ......"

George Brown originally wanted to ask him how he was doing, but when he heard the news coldly, he nearly jumped up with excitement.

Seemingly sensing his joy, the man's eyes deepened a bit, and as he remained lost in thought, he spoke again, "Yes, Elena is born."

"This!" George Brown could barely contain his emotions, and the next second he couldn't control his laughter, "Me, I'm going to be a Grand-Grandpa now? I have a little grandson!

The man spared the words, but also gave a definite answer, "Well."

"Hahahaha ......"

George Brown couldn't control his joyful laughter, "I'm doing Grand-Grandpa, I'm doing Grand-Grandpa!"

"Grandpa ......" Logan hid a smile, "Calm down, watch out for your blood pressure to get high again."

"Afraid of what?" George Brown obviously doesn't care about anything anymore.

Logan couldn't help but frown slightly, alerted, "Grandpa ......"

"OK, OK, OK." George Brown heard his displeasure and responded, "You're right, listen to you, listen to you all the time."

Logan this is satisfied to withdraw a stern face, only the next second, George Brown's tone followed the frustration, "So Elena is ...... still at the Fords now?"

Logan looked puzzled, there was no way to deny it, and nodded in response, "Well, yes."

George Brown's hand unconsciously trembled, apologies gradually washed away the joy, "Logan ...... is I'm sorry, it is I did not find out in time Cornel's heart hit the idea, so it is... ..."


Logan promptly interrupted his self-blaming words, "It's not about you, and you don't need to take it all on yourself."

Who is right and who is wrong, his heart has long been divided and defined.

George Brown finally just shook his head helplessly, "That's different, and you don't understand, Cornel was brought up by me, he did everything, I also have the responsibility to bear, this is the obligation as a father!"

The son does not teach the father.

This is a constant truth that is clear to anyone's heart.

Logan squeezed his palms together, a cold glint in his eyes as he mentioned Cornel, "What about the Brown Group now?"

"Everything is fine." George Brown sighed and said, "Cornel knew you left H City after also angry, but in the end is to take you no way, after can not do anything, so will put all the energy into the company, but now also up."

Logan fell silent and did not speak for a long time.

George Brown knew what he meant, and in the end, he was helpless.

"Logan, I'm old, a lot of things are no longer in charge, but no matter what I hope we can reunite the family, and ...... I also want to see my little grandson before I leave ...... "

This is probably one of his last hopes at this point.

He has lived most of his life, but also lived enough, everything has been obtained, nothing is missing, the only thing missing, is the peace of this family.

All the noise he looked over, now, just want to be good enough.

Logan pursed his thin lips for a long time before he slowly said, "Grandpa don't worry, I'll bring Elena back, and the baby."


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