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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 581

Elena fell silent and did not answer for a long time.

Adele's hand followed and rested on her shoulder. Elena jolted and subconsciously slapped her hand away.

When she returned to her senses, she looked at the person in front of her, only to see the other person looking at her in the same daze.

"I'm sorry." She rubbed her cheek to quickly clear her head, "I need some time to judge and sort things out between you guys."

"Good." Adele also stopped pushing her and smiled tenderly at her.

She got up and said, "You really need to calm down and cool off now, so I'll leave you alone in your room and just wait outside the door, just call me immediately if anything happens."

Elena didn't answer, just lay quietly on her bed staring at the ceiling in disbelief.

She had to admit that the moment Adele took the bracelet out, she almost really thought she was Joanna's friend, but when she calmed down at that moment, she had to wonder about the authenticity of it.

If she was really just trying to help her, how could she suddenly think about Joanna after all these years, and then just think about putting her mind on her and thinking about helping her leave Edward?

Too many logical things that don't make sense keep spinning in her head, and even her head hurts.

Finally, simply put everything behind you and sleep with your head covered.

It was night, and Logan sat quietly in front of his desk, as quiet as a clock that had stopped moving.

With a 'ding-dong' sound, those stern eyes bloomed with a cold light.

Soon after, Zach's video call immediately followed.

"Hi!" Zach on the screen smiled extra brightly, "Logan, guess what I've found out?"

Apparently, Logan never ate that, and said coldly, "Tell me straight."

"Yes." Zach immediately shrugged down, "I mean, you, how come you never had a sense of humor?

Logan swept him a glance, even through the screen, Zach could feel the same coldness in the sight.

At that moment also no longer continue to tease him straight, "I found out who Mason's money into the account, is a doctor, plastic surgeon!"

"Emma is getting a facelift?"

"No." Zach shook his head, "This one is more than you could ever imagine!"

Logan tightened his brow and the next second, a name spilled out of his thin lips, "Jacqueline?"

"Holy shit!"

Zach's cultivation is good, this moment can not control the foul mouth, and surprised and annoyed, "How do you know?"

"You've already said that out loud, so I'll have to guess at the unlikely person."

"Not ......" Zach still couldn't figure it out, "but of all the people, why did you just think of her? Besides, isn't she dead?"


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