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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 585

Edward looked at the empty ward, without the familiar person in front of him, his face became more and more gloomy, and his hateful eyes fell on Logan's body and questioned, "What's going on!"

"Ask me?" Logan's hands hanging at his sides clenched into fists, "You should ask yourself what kind of people you've gotten to stay by Elena's side!"

"What did you say?"

"Adele! The woman you put by Elena's side, the one who is by her side day and night, she is Jacqueline! It's Jacqueline who hates to drink Elena's blood and tear apart Elena's bones! How on earth do you even look at people, to let her ......"

"Shut up!"

Edward waved his hand, "Do not think you can use your one-sided words to fool me, I planted in the hotel people said you suddenly rushed out, to come in the direction of the hospital when I have long guessed that you have premeditated!"

Logan glared at him, gritting his teeth, "You don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, but you're so suspicious that I have to suspect you!"

"That's ridiculous!" Logan stepped forward in anger and grabbed him by the collar, "Edward, I can't say I've been open and honest all my life, but at least I've never lied about Elena!"

He said, his men's movements kept tightening, "Elena was taken away by Jacqueline, arrange for your men to go and get her back for me immediately!"

"Ridiculous ......" Edward shrugged off his hand, "Do you think anyone will believe it if you're still acting?"


Logan let out a low curse, and when he saw that he didn't believe it coldly, he nodded repeatedly, "Okay, you can not believe it, but if anything happens to Elena, I will not let you go!"

"You're already here, and you want to just leave?" Edward smiled at him, the dark light shining in the bottom of his eyes was impossible to ignore.

Logan looked at him with a flash of gloomy sting, "You want to stop me?"

"What do you think?" The latter asked instead of answering.

Logan pulled the corners of his mouth and swept a glance at the two men he had brought with him, not giving them the slightest bit of attention, "Don't even think about it!"

"Then you can try."

The words have just fallen, Edward has taken a step back, two strong men appeared in his line of sight unawares, in his still ready to fist the wind, a fist also followed the swing over.

Logan gritted his teeth and dodged it with a side dodge.

The afterglow swept the duo's movements a bend directly, the action is amazingly fast.

The hard fist landed heavily on the small of one of them, and the person who was hit almost felt that his internal organs were misplaced, and fell to the ground in pain and wailed out.

Logan glanced at Edward, his voice was as deep as ice, "No one can stop me, but Edward, you remember, if anything happens to Elena because of your delay, I will definitely be the first to let you go!"


The man's fist had landed in front of his man's eyes in time to close his fist, and he turned his face to look aside.

Edward came forward with a stony face, "What you said, is it all true?"

"You think I would lie to you?"

"In that case ......" Edward wordlessly reached into his pocket and quickly pulled out his taser and aimed it at the back of his head when he didn't notice the opening ......

With a jolt, Logan raised his hand to stop his movement.

But Edward is not stupid, immediately to the two men behind a look, the two at his side immediately came forward to clasp his hands, Edward jerked back the hand then again the taser pressed down on him.

High-voltage electricity flowed throughout his body, causing Logan to lose his strength for a moment and stars to appear in front of his eyes.


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