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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 588

Elena laughed out lowly, there was no hint of fear on her face, instead she closed her eyes calmly, "In that case, then you should just give me a dry run, save your heart from going soft."

"Soft-hearted? To you?"

Jacqueline burst out laughing, "Elena, what are you talking about? The only person in this world I wouldn't go soft on is you! Even better, I simply hate to kill you!"

"Then what are you hesitating for?"

Elena asked rhetorically, her eyes flashing with a brilliant light, "You stayed by my side for so long, and I never knew you, you could have just done it to me, there was no need to work so hard to make me faint and send me here again!"

"Elena, did you forget? I have more than one enemy ......"

Jacqueline looked at her slyly, and the dark light blooming in her eyes was more than she could ignore.

Elena was shocked and suddenly remembered something in general, which made her blurt out, "Jacqueline, don't even think about it! Logan and I are divorced, we don't have a relationship anymore, he won't listen to you!"

"Is that so? That's not necessarily the case." Jacqueline was still smiling, watching the more anxious she was, the more joyful her heart became, "Elena, I'd love to show you how ridiculous you really are in this current state of your own!"


"Don't lie to me." Jacqueline directly interrupted her defense, "I've been at the Fords all this time, and I know everything about you, about Edward and Logan, so don't even think about fooling me with your one-sided words!"

Elena clenched her teeth in death and hatred erupted from the bottom of her eyes.

"But even then, you won't get your way... Do you think Logan would see you for me? Or, do you think Logan would sacrifice anything for me?"

She sneered deliberately, trying to get her mind off of Logan's.

But Jacqueline was already familiar with the two, so how could she have been fooled?

Jacqueline Jie Jie smiled, a grim face, "Elena, instead of saying so much here, you should think about what you should say after you see Logan, I am looking forward to seeing him is that unhappy and guilty look ...... "

"No, don't ......"

Elena shook her head, a heart nearly in disarray because of Logan.

She tightly squeezed the palm of her hand, desperately pressed down the heart of the unease secretly grinding teeth, "Jacqueline, you will not find Logan, you have to know, I am now in the Fords, is Edward's daughter, Edward if you know I'm missing anyway will suppress the news! "

So, she can only console herself that Logan won't know anything about her ......

Jacqueline squatted down and looked at her struggling, tsking, "Elena, look at you like this, it really hurts my heart, you say you, what are you so protective of Logan, didn't he abandon you and sacrifice you to keep his company? Why do you still cling to him so much?"

Elena's eyes flashed and she immediately nodded, "Yes ...... he has abandoned me, so do you think he will really listen to you?"

"That's not necessarily true ." Jacqueline grunted, "Even so, I've seen his feelings for you all the way through and know all about it ......"

"You know it well? You're not us how would you know?"


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