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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 596

A car sound came, immediately attracted the attention of several people, Emma also broke her face so that her eyes fell on the distance, vaguely, she could see two familiar figures, Jacqueline's, and ......Logan's... ...

"Surprised?" Emma looked at her with a low smile.

Elena looked at her desperately, trying to ask her what this was all about.

But Emma was not so patient to explain to her, just whispered, "Don't worry, this is my special surprise for you, keep reading and you'll see."

Logan slammed the door on the car and looked at the woman in front of him, a look of hidden uncertainty on his face.

Jacqueline quickly shook her shoulders and waved her hands straight, "Relax, take it easy."

"Where's Elena?" Logan asked, getting right to the point, not wanting to delay with her.

"She's fine now." Jacqueline glanced absently at the place where the three were at that moment.

Elena's eyes locked with hers, and the sounds coming out of the car's monitors were extraordinarily clear.

The moment Elena heard that familiar man's calm voice, almost like tears ......

Clearly not far apart, clearly he is within her reach, clearly, she can call out to him if she can speak, but ...... between the two is like a million mountains, can not get closer ......

Emma is in a good mood, laughing straight, "Don't cry, the good show is still ahead, we carefully prepared for you, can't just ruin it."

Elena reached out and grabbed hers within her reach, her unkempt nails sharp and hard, scratching a few bloody marks on her hand raw.

"You bitch!" Emma quickly broke away from her hand and gave a low rebuke, without hesitation she raised her hand and gave her another slap, "Toast to the wine, I see you are cheap at heart!"

The woman's eyes were filled with tears, all strong at this time, just fiercely plucked at her.

For no reason, Emma's heart jerked and she couldn't help but be a little scared.

The next second, Logan's voice rang out again, "Don't stall with me here, I want to know where she is!"

"She?" Jacqueline chuckled lowly, "Like I said, she's safe now, except, I do have someone else I want you to meet."


"Come out!"

Jacqueline tapped the front of the car, and Logan then noticed that there had been a man hiding in the car, and under his gaze, Cornel's form was exposed to the air!

"How did you get here!?" Logan blurted out.

Cornel immediately stood at his side and explained, "I came over because Jacqueline contacted me to help her, but I didn't know the person I was meeting was you ......"

"Help her?" Logan's furrowed brow tightened, "What did you promise her?"

"I didn't promise anything. Besides, I don't know what I should do now?"


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