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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 604

"Why don't you let her continue?"

Behind her, Elena's voice was surprisingly calm.

When Mason turned to look at her, he almost thought the words hadn't come out of her mouth.

In the silence, Elena had raised her face, "You knew about Joanna, didn't you, and you told Jacqueline about her?"

Mason can't deny it.

"If you told everyone, why can't you tell me? What was the hidden story back then?" She followed her steps, and her expression became serious.

Mason's back was turned to her, and she could not see his expression at that moment.

Long time, the vicissitudes of the voice just came a sentence, "Now you do not need to know, and furthermore, instead of thinking about that, think about how you can protect yourself."


Elena looked at his name with urgency, her heart wanting to know the truth filling her head.

Mason didn't give her any hope and went straight back to the table and ate the rest of the meal in silence.

Emma just felt a little weird and couldn't help but look at him a few more times, "Did you just talk to her?"

"Told you." Mason answered frankly, without any semblance of heart.

Emma immediately squeezed her palms together with a gloomy sting, "What did you and she say? Or, what is there to say between you!?"

Mason immediately put down his chopsticks with a serious face, "Emma, don't think too much about it."

"I didn't ......," she said, stroking her face to hide her disbelief.

Mason looked at her with a loving face, "Emma, you and I have gone out on a limb, what is there to worry about now?"

"I'm just scared ......"

Inexplicably, she always felt that since seeing Elena, Mason's attitude has changed, so she can't help but feel uneasy, she is afraid ...... afraid that finally her wholehearted trust in her loved ones will still end up betraying her ......

"Emma, don't be afraid!" Mason held her hand tightly, the long-wrinkled face was incomparably calm, "No matter what, I will still be on your side in the end."

His promise of general words made her drop her heart slightly.

At the end, in front of him barely squeezed out a smile to nod, "Dad, all the time, thank you."

Mason patted the palm of her hand and just shook his head at her.

He, who lied to her ......

"Sir?" Jacob patted Logan's shoulder, "Why don't you take a break?"

Several people have just arrived in H City, all have been tired, but so far Logan still does not want to rest, so he could not help but worry.

Logan looked down at the child sleeping peacefully in his arms and said, "It's okay, you take him back to his room first."

Always stay in his arms, he does not sleep well.

Jacob complied and carefully picked up the child and headed in the direction of the bedroom.

The bedroom door had only just closed when a message came through on his phone, an address that Logan remembered was Yolanda's grave.

"Jacqueline and Emma are really serious this time, and they're not thinking of making you pay for it with your death, are they?" Zach suddenly emerged with half a head, his eyes falling on his phone screen, reading the message all too clearly.

"I don't know." Logan returned faintly.

What kept coming to my ears were Jacqueline's words before she left G City.


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