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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 610

Logan looked at his relieved look curled his lips and nodded his head.

George Brown took some unreal steps, holding the crutches in his hands were also a little unstable, Logan only then vaguely found that in fact ...... George Brown was not as strong as he thought.

He is a human being, an ordinary person, also has joy and sorrow.

What's more, when people reach this age, they worry and think more naturally, even if he says it's okay, it can't sweep away the worry in his heart.

He took a deep breath and suddenly spoke, "Grandpa!"

George Brown paused in his walk up the stairs and turned to look at him.

Logan moved to the stairway to look at him, "Grandpa, I have to go out tomorrow, Jasper he ...... will trouble you."

"Jasper ?" George Brown pondered the two words over and over again, then laughed out loud, "So, he's called Jasper ah ......"


Logan confirmed with a slight nod.

George Brown nodded his head and responded, "Good name, good name!"

The side of the chanting, he went up the stairs, and I do not know whether his words listened to it or nothing, and disappeared from his view in step.

Zach just felt odd and couldn't help but immediately come over, "Logan, not that I'm saying, why do I always feel like your George Brown is in a bit of a bad state?"

"There's so much going on, it's natural."

Can't digest it for a while, plus older, some things are clearer than anyone else, just don't want to admit and face it ......

Zach shrugged, "I do not quite understand, after all, my home on my mother a person, this time, ah, come in directly into the kitchen to fuck kitchen knife first get me dead!"

Logan laughed and gave him a meaningful look, "That's just your imagination, but if something happened to you or Sophia, it wouldn't be like this."

"Oh, come on!" Zach stopped him just in time, "You can shut up, if you really continue to say ah, maybe really hit, then I have to cry to death to go."

The man shook his head helplessly, "So who brought it up first, anyway?"


Zach was stunned and reacted without immediately raising his hand to seal his mouth directly, "OK, that's enough about this topic, I don't want to curse myself."


"Sir!" Jacob's voice suddenly rang out, "There's movement!"

At that, the two immediately stopped talking and immediately directed their attention to Jacob!

Jacob also moved quickly to a monitor pulled out directly cut to the screen said, "Here, Mason's car, although the appearance of spray paint license plate also changed, but I was not mistaken, several people have now been in the suburbs outside."

He said, he immediately cut another surveillance, "I checked all the places that can live near Yolanda's grave, and finally locked here."

Jacob unhurriedly spread out the map and drew a location directly.

The man stared carefully, comparing the time that the car went in and out, and the direction it went, to the only place that Jacob drew indeed.

Jacob looked at his pensive look and couldn't help but say, "So do you need confirmation? I can go by myself and bring the lady back safely, too."


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