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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 617

Mason felt deeply powerless, he looked at Emma in front of him, only to feel strange and familiar ......

In her eyes, he is just a guarantee for the rest of his life, but otherwise, he has no use, such as now, he is a burden, a burden that can not say her half wrong, because, she wants to live.

Emma pleaded bitterly, almost humbly.

The more Jacqueline listened, the more upset she got, so she raised her hand and slapped her, "Shut up! If you cry again, I'll kill you!"

Emma was scared to silence again, but how can not control the deepest fear, tears are like a broken dike can not stop.

Elena squeezed her palms and spoke up unawares, "Jacqueline, let them go."

"Who are you to make a deal with me?" Jacqueline gave her a cross look.

"Am I not a bargaining chip in my own right? A bargaining chip for you to negotiate with Edward, and if you don't say yes to me, I can't guarantee what I will make, much less, that I will still be alive when the time comes."

"You think you can threaten me like that?" Jacqueline looked at her sharply.

Elena smiled miserably, "Don't believe me? Then we could have tried."

"Yes ......" Emma kept chiming in, "Jacqueline, it won't do you any good to kill us, so instead of killing us, why don't you listen to Elena and let us, okay?"

"You shut up!" Elena reprimanded her sternly for interrupting.

Emma's heart is dissatisfied, but the thought that she is helping herself, then immediately did not dare to say anything.

Elena didn't look at Emma again, just dropped her eyes on Jacqueline, "What, do you have a problem with that?"

Jacqueline clenched her lower lip, "I need to think about it."

"There's nothing to think about, let them go and I'll go with Edward."

"Elena, why are you helping them?" She couldn't figure it out, "Emma even tried to get you killed and you? And you're helping him even at this point, why?"

"No, it's Mason I'm helping."

Mason's whole body shook and stiffened as he looked away.

Elena's lips hooked into a light smile, "I never knew what Joanna had been through, her life was sad even up to the moment of her death, yet no one ever did anything for her, I think ...... the greatest warmth she encountered in her life was the people who sent her away, and the people who took her in. And the people who took her in."

The person who sent her away Elena knew better than anyone, it was Kent's mother. And the other one, no doubt, is Mason ......

"I know, Mason may also have done a lot of things, his wife killed Joanna, and his daughter also caused me to complete the current situation, but no matter how, he helped Joanna, I will owe him a favor, now returned, it will be completely clear ...... "

As for Emma, it's just incidental. She knows that Mason would not want to die without Emma, and would not want to let himself live alone.

Mason looked at her, his eyes were mostly red, "Elena ...... in fact, you do not need to do this for me, back then it was also me who had unpleasant thoughts about her, take her in, but also a selfish."

"No matter what, I've survived because of you haven't I?" She smiled, then couldn't help but wave her hand, "Besides, my life is ruined, so until then, at least do something about it."

Emma looked at her with a wary expression, "You, don't you hate me?"


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