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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 627

Logan hooked his lips and smiled, his big hand lightly lifted her chin, his thin lips gently opened, "Satisfied, satisfied to the extreme ......"

After saying that, he said with a smile on his brow, "In that case, then in the days ahead, madam will have to give more guidance."

Elena bent her eyes, obediently received the baby in his arms into her hands, then could not help but count up again, "Knowing that are injured how not to change hands to hold ah, in case the wound is involved how to do?"

The man sighed helplessly, "Do you think of me as a little too delicate?"

"It's you who's being too feisty." She corrected him.

Logan did not retort, let her be, his other hand reached out and stroked her hair on her forehead, "What did you say to Edward?"

Elena paused in her movements, then shook her head, "Nothing too important to say, just some past trivia."

"And then what?"

"And then?"

"Have you come to any conclusions yet?"

Logan's eyes are still as deep as ever, just looking at them, it's like having all your soul sucked out of you, making it impossible for her to make a decision, let alone think, standing naked in front of him, letting him see through and through!

This, she could never learn, as at this moment, was instantly seen through by him.

So, can't help but depressed sigh said, "Actually ...... hate it doesn't matter, the important thing is that now you are all in just fine."


The man lightly rubbed the top of her head, "I'm happy that you think so, at least, not pressed in your heart to make yourself uncomfortable."

"I wouldn't." The little woman muttered with her little face pressed against his chest, "Where am I so stupid as to purely give myself a hard time?"

"I'm afraid you're too dumb to get into a corner."

"Where is it!?"

Logan hooked his lips, meaningless.

Elena nursed Joel back from his arms, her little head cocked, looking at him with some confusion, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, I just think ...... this way you are extraordinarily cute." The man's voice with a flirtatious sound, and with a characteristic magnetic, inexplicably even her ears are soft.

The mouth hummed a hard mouth, "all will say coaxing words!"

"And that's only for the lady." Logan said with righteousness in his words.

Elena felt her cheeks getting hotter and hotter, and hurriedly looked down and counted Joel's body, "Why do you always say shameless things in front of Joel all day long? If you grow up to be a negative person like you, what can you do?"

"Negative hearted man?" Logan sensitive to hear does not belong to his own label, immediately tightened his brow close to the small woman's body, "Elena, do you think ...... I am a negative man?"

"I ...... how do I know well!"

Her eyes rolled in all directions and there was nowhere to put them.

At the end, it seems to be forced tight, simply a hand will Joel to hold out directly as a shield, blocked in their own face straight to speak, "This talk, I think you should ask Joel is right!"


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