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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 631

Jacqueline committed suicide!

Logan squeezed the phone's hand abruptly, and all the expressions on his face followed the instant freeze ......

When Elena and Logan feel the prison, Jacqueline's body is being prepared for cremation, and Jacob is there waiting for them.

Immediately upon seeing the duo, they came forward, "Sir, Madam ......"

Elena turned pale, "What's going on?"

"The guards sent breakfast in the morning to see Jacqueline has been sitting quietly on the bed, after that did not pay too much attention, a few hours later really feel weird went to look at, did not expect ......"

Jacqueline tore the quilt directly into long strips and hung it on the barred window, finally choosing the break ......

Elena drew a backward breath, her body a little unsteady, "Why?"

Logan on one side looked extraordinarily calm, his icy face without any fluctuation.

"Perhaps, she also knows that she will not escape death, rather than let others take her life, it is better to die more painfully." The man's clear, cold voice said slowly.

Waiting for the verdict is a long time, but also the most torturous moment, and Jacqueline has long known the end of their own, so, themselves to make the verdict ......

Elena shook her head helplessly and had a mixed bag of emotions in her heart.

The person who hated her all her life and finally thought of killing her is finally dead, the heart is suddenly like half empty like, can't say the taste.

Logan silently patted her palm, "That's her own choice anyway, and it's her own way of giving herself relief."

"Mmm." She nodded and crouched down somewhat helplessly to snuggle into his arms.

The man patted her back in a silent, soothing manner.

A long time before she got up and wiped her face and broke away from Logan's hand and squeezed her palm and gritted her teeth, "I ...... can I see her?"

"This ......" Jacob had some difficulty, "Jacqueline is hanged, I'm afraid it will scare the lady."

Elena shook her head, "It's a dead man, what's so scary about it?"


Jacob moved halfway out of the way and led her inside.

Logan is a close second ......

Jacqueline's face was as pale as paper, and the whole person lay there cold and isolated from the world.

Elena hands uneasily clasped together, looking at her appearance, but see the corners of her mouth is slightly up, the heart has been blocked by the stone suddenly finally fell to the ground general ......

She hooked her lips, and her tense nerves followed the relaxation of a soft voice.

"Logan, you're right, maybe death is the real relief for her ......"

In this way, she may be able to reunite with Yolanda underground, and mother and daughter will be able to reunite ......

Logan wordlessly put his hand out and squeezed her palm, "Well, people have their own lives, it's better to be sad."

"It's nothing sad." She took a long breath, turned her head and hooked her lips at him and smiled, "It's just that there's suddenly one less person, the heart is a little uncomfortable, and I don't know if I'm self-abusing tube, people are not there, but it seems a little tied up."

"I'll be around for all of it from now on." The man whispered, his voice soft enough for only herself to hear.


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