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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 655

Hungry for food?

The corners of Lexi's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but think, "That Miss Kayla has a good figure, and she doesn't look bad either, so even if she does have something, it's not like she's starving for it.

A flash of thought made her feel inferior again, and she couldn't even help but think, that guy is so nice, it's no wonder his can't see her.

A sudden contraction of her heart made her hang her head again.

Kent gave her a suspicious look, and suddenly found himself more and more difficult to guess about the woman's mind.

Lexi ordered the person who sent the clothes over to quickly bring a season's latest dress, she took it, quickly shoved the handbag containing the clothes directly into his arms and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Kent, this is the dress you want!"

"Okay, thanks."

Kent did not doubt it and tugged it tightly in his arms.

Lexi machine imperceptible light sigh, and then look up, but see just a few steps away after Kent did not know when to run back again, so her heart again wildly jumped a few times.

"Mr. ...... Mr. Kent, do you have anything else?"

Kent looked her up and down, always felt something wrong, at the end, the ghost added, "I'll tell you again, that Kayla and I have nothing to do with it!"

He would never like a woman with such a complicated background either. What's more, Kayla talks about liking him, looking at how uncomplicated her people really are, and he doesn't say he can't see it.

Lexi obviously froze because of his words, and only after a long time did she respond with a smile, "Mr. Kent is too worried."

How dare she make wild guesses about his relationship with others?

Kent took a deep look at her, but in the end, he couldn't see anything in those clear eyes, so he had to let it go.

"Wait for me a moment while I get her clothes and attend a party with you later."


Lexi nodded and responded.

Kent saw the situation, this is a slight dark breath of relief.

A short while later, Kent came out again, but there was still one more person around, Kayla tugged on Kent's arm with an intimate face, no matter how many times the latter pushed him away all the same wrapped back.

Kent finally got annoyed and grimaced, "Kayla, if you do that again, get your ass back to G City right now and don't show up in front of me!"

"Okay, okay." Kayla meekly withdrew her hand and looked at him with a somewhat sultry look, "You and I haven't seen each other for so long, you don't miss me at all?"



Kent wrinkled his brow and said word for word, "It's true!"

Kayla Yi Ran did not hear anything look, grunted, "I know you are talking tough, so I will not argue with you about this, anyway, I know you have me in your heart is enough."

Kent didn't bother to look at her, his face slightly sunken, and said in a cold voice, "Let's go."

This was said to Lexi.

Kayla, however, thought she was talking to her, and followed him with her footsteps. When Kent reacted, the three had already doubled into the elevator.

Inside the elevator, Kayla looked around curiously, and finally her eyes fell on Lexi's body on the side.


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