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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 661

Lexi had to admit that she was provoking Kayla.

After all, Kayla couldn't help but be hostile to her when she saw her, and since that was the case, she didn't mind making Kayla even more disgusted with herself.

Sure enough, Kayla looked at her conspiratorially, with countless bizarre thoughts flashing quickly under her eyes, but in the end, she hid that touch of venom.

Lexi saw the real thing and didn't break it down.

Kayla snorted coldly, "We'll see about that!"

She has plenty of time to spend with her!

Lexi sighed lightly and couldn't help thinking that she was afraid she had gotten into another big problem, not to mention that it was still Kent's heart ......

Lexi thought that Kayla would stay in L.A. until she took Kent down, but to her surprise, a mere phone call rushed her right back.


"Mr. Kent," her eyes flickered back, "What's wrong?"

"See you look like a heavy heart, curious to ask just a little, why, is what happened again?"

His concern inexplicably reminded her of the night he left in the middle of the party to look for her at the apartment, and her cheeks quickly warmed up, and she didn't dare to raise them, always lowering them and saying, "No, Mr. Kent misunderstood."

"So... ......"

Kent, with his whole body, clapped his hands and said, "In that case, come with me."

"Go?" Lexi visibly froze again and looked at him with a puzzled expression, "Go where?"

"The orphanage."


She nodded, although her heart did not understand, but still did not ask anything out, silently followed behind and said, "Then I first asked the driver to drive to downstairs."

"No, it's not much work to call a driver." Kent chanted, casually grabbed the keys on the table and headed out.

Lexi did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly trotted after him.

Kent is right that the place he arrived at is indeed an orphanage, before going to the two went to the supermarket, almost all that can be moved, the whole trunk is stuffed full of.

In theory, this is the first time Lexi has been exposed to his private life.

Kent's car just parked in front of the orphanage, the children inside are like self-radar all swarmed out, several even jumped directly into Kent's arms intimately shouting, "Kent brother ......"

Kent picked up a cute little girl and patted the top of her head, "Haven't been here for a while, did you miss me?"

"Yes!" The little girl immediately took him by the face and kissed him fiercely with joy, causing Kent to let out a loud laugh.

The head of the hospital also came out next, looking at the things in his trunk could not help but complain, "You said you come to come, every time you bring so many children love to eat things, careful to spoil them."

"Children, should be spoiled a little, do not do bad things will be good." Kent said, put the little girl in his arms to the ground, "Go, find brothers to give you candy to eat, I bought specifically you love to eat."


Children are children in the end, heard the food immediately stopped clinging to him, a slip of smoke ran away.


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