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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 664

Timothy is fine ......

But is it really going to be okay?

No one dares to guarantee, and no one to ensure that the consequences of which will actually be what, so his words just said that instant, the air instantly followed the freeze, no one opened his mouth again ......

Kent looked at the two and wordlessly clenched his fists.

Even if they are not half of the blood relationship with Timothy, but the previous get-together all vividly, so he can not forget ......


The door of the operating room was suddenly opened and the nurse came out in a hurry, "Who is the child's family?"


The director of the hospital was the first to raise his hand, the face that crawled with wrinkles was written with determination, "I am the child's family, nurse lady now how is the child, he is fine ......"

The nurse shook her head, "The child is now suffering from severe head trauma and is now also losing too much blood, the blood bank is running low on RH-negative blood, do any of your family members have RH-negative blood!"

RH negative blood ......

Dean stumbled a little, some false sway, this blood type is rare and rare, major hospitals are always scarce state, this time ...... let her go where ......

"I am ......"

Lexi's weak voice came through.

Not only the dean, Kent also froze and looked around, but he saw Lexi had walked up to the nurse and gritted her teeth, "I'm panda blood, feel free to draw mine if you need to!"

No one dared to delay, the nurse nodded and dragged her directly to the laboratory.

Kent a jolt, busy to appease the dean a little followed by the chase.

"Excuse me sir, this place is forbidden to enter!"

"I'm worried about her." Kent gestured to Lexi.

Lexi's face was white and she looked over, the familiar face and familiar eyes were looking at her the same way, coldly making her heart skip half a beat.

The nurse patted her arm, "Miss, take it easy for a moment ......"


Lexi nodded, the afterglow skimmed to the sharp pillow, suddenly could not help but be afraid, the whole body is shaking like a sieve.

Kent squeezed his palms and took a few steps forward, pushing away the nurse who stopped himself in front of him.

"This gentleman ......"

The nurse's words were not finished, Lexi only felt a good smell suddenly came to her face, she looked up, did not have time to see clearly in front of the person but saw that the person has quickly tightly circled her in the arms.


"Shh!" Kent said in a cold voice, "Don't talk, don't think, and don't be afraid ......"

As he spoke, he gave a look to the nurse on the side, who reacted and immediately nodded, and the needle quickly pierced ......


Lexi struggled violently, but fortunately Kent's hands were holding her tightly so she didn't jump up.


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