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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 667

This ......

Lexi hindsight head black line, she actually nosebleed at Kent......!

A dizzy head, a black eye, the body followed by a straight fall to the ground, 'bang', Kent were stunned!

Originally Kent thought Lexi because of the embarrassment in front of the pretend, but the person fell to the ground for a good moment did not move, which scared him to rush up ......

"Lexi, Lexi!"

When Lexi woke up, all the memories from before the coma came flooding back, and her cheeks warmed up rapidly immediately afterwards.

She, surprisingly, passed out right in front of Kent, with a nosebleed ......

That image, she really want to find a hole to burrow immediately!

So thinking, the quilt was also pulled into a ball by her, almost as twisted into a twist as her own state of mind at the moment.


A sound of the door opening came, Lexi suddenly woke up like a dream, differently looked at the door, Kent walked in with big steps, saw her wake up face a happy, "When did you wake up?"

"...... just woke up."

Lexi gulped carefully and couldn't help but feel weak.

Do not want to, the next second Kent's face also immediately after the emergence of guilt, "that ...... sorry ah, it's because of me you ......"


Lexi was too busy to answer, the moment she met his gaze she couldn't help but get nervous again, the afterglow looked around, then realized she was lying on the bed in Kent Lounge, and the man in front of her had changed his clothes, and his body was all smelling of shower gel, causing her cheeks to flush again indisputably.

Lexi quickly got off the floor and stepped on the ground with her bare feet, "Mr. Kent sorry, I'm the one who held you up."

With that, she quickly looked down at the time, but saw that the hour hand was already pointing to three o'clock.

3:00 PM!

Lexi's heart thumped, "Why are you still here, didn't you have a meeting at two o'clock?"

"Done driving." Kent looked at her just standing there, extraordinarily displeased, "You get back in bed right now, and if I see you jump up again I'll get you!"

The man's words are full of heavy threat, Lexi heart can not help but mention a breath, but also can not help but follow the panic.

Seeing that she did not move, he simply took a few steps forward himself and directly picked her up and dropped her onto the bed.

"Mr. Kent ......"

Lexi spoke weakly, but Kent didn't give her half a chance to lie back down, and the covers were tucked back in immediately afterwards, "Shut up and get some rest!"


Lexi was about to say something else when Kent spoke again, a guilty look appearing on his face once again, "I'm sorry about you."

The man opened his mouth, so that she unconsciously tightened up all the nerves, the eyes are shame ......


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