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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 677

The dean looked at her as if she understood what was going on and patted her shoulder and got up, "I'm going to go prepare the children's dinner, so you stay here and spend time with the children, and by the way, you can also think clearly about what you did wrong."

Lexi nodded and watched her leave.

After a moment, a small figure came up to her side and then sat down, and Lexi turned her head to look.

Timothy had a straight face, "Are you angry?"

"Why do you say that?" She tightened her grip.

"Because I just saw you talking to the dean from afar, a very angry look ah."

Lexi froze, then gave him a hug.

Timothy struggled a bit, his little face flushed, "Lexi, why did you just get angry, because of brother?"

Perhaps it was because Kent had specifically reminded him last time, so he was good enough to call out to his brother this time.

Lexi realized that the boy was perhaps much smarter than she thought, she looked down at him, her almond eyes bright, "Why is it because of him? Have you met him?"

"No, that's just because Lexi came by herself."

Obviously before are coming together, suddenly alone two separate, must have happened something.

Lexi had a first glance and could not refute it.

She hooked her lips and laughed, somewhat self-deprecatingly, "Right oh, because I made him angry, so he wouldn't even bother with me anymore, and even fired me!"

"But why did you get angry just now, too?"

"I ......"

Lexi's lips twitched and she bowed her head, "That's because I was so naive that I had no idea whether I was doing the right or wrong thing, but I understand now that the one who was wrong from start to finish was me."

Kent is just mad at her, mad at her for not being remorseful.

Timothy does not understand the complex relationship between adults and things, but even so, one thing is clear to him, "Since you did wrong, then go to apologize is not good?"

Kent is so nice and will surely forgive her if she apologizes.

"That won't do!" The little guy's words just said Lexi did not even think about it directly vetoed.

Timothy was confused again, "Why? Didn't you say you were wrong? Since you're wrong, you should apologize and repent."

"That would be too downright embarrassing for me!" Lexi said without a smile.

Kent could have explained to her properly and told her where she was wrong, but he didn't say anything and just cut her off.

Timothy shook his head, his small body nestled in her arms and spoke seriously, "But if Lexi continues to be obstinate because she can't save face, maybe brother won't really forgive you, oh, in that case, you'll be willing then?"

A child's words always strike straight to the heart and crush her.

She gritted her teeth, not knowing what to do.

The little one tugged at her shirt, "Lexi, there's no shame in admitting if you're wrong, as long as it makes you both well, I don't want to see you separated because you're angry."


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