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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 683

"Something happened?"

Kent took a few big strides and walked in front of her, holding her hand instead, and the two of them hurried into the elevator.

Lexi nodded, "Maybe."

She didn't dare to ask more questions and just thought she'd get there as soon as possible.

Kent shot her a disgruntled look, "Lexi, that's the second time!"

She said she would consider her own safety first, but just now the first reaction she still wants to face it by herself!

In this unfamiliar country, she did not have any timidity, but even presumed to take care of all the affairs by herself!

Lexi heard his words coldly and immediately got weak, not daring to meet his eyes.

Kent gave her a cold look, "It won't last but three, don't forget what you promised yourself!"

"I'm sorry." She quickly steadied herself and shrugged her head.

Thankfully, Alia is still a bit safety conscious, the two did not leave too far, not five minutes Lexi found the store.

Outside the store, a group of people dressed as high school students surrounded Alia and the male colleague, while Alia cowered in her boyfriend's arms.

Kent tightened his grip on the woman's hand and his sharp Japanese came out, "Hey! What are you doing!"

"Lexi! Mr. Kent!"

Alia looked up, and her face lit up with joy when she saw the two of them.

Kent nodded and held the duo directly behind him with Lexi.

Several high school students looked at each other as if they were gauging what they should do.

Lexi immediately cooled her face and said, without slowing down, "Get out! Or I'll go call Mr. Guard now!"

Probably seeing Kent and Lexi's grim faces, several people felt wrong and disappeared immediately in a flash.

Alia, who was behind her, went limp and hugged her boyfriend tightly, and at the end of the day, she even forgot to scold him, "It's all your fault, why did you argue with them just now?"

Boyfriend and its innocence, "I just think they are not too old, not old enough to drink just advised a few words, who knows on ......"

"And you say that!"

Alia stomped her foot, not at all satisfied with his retort.

Lexi interrupted the duo's bickering just in time, "Well, all in all it's good to be okay."

Kent inadvertently also released her hand and turned to look at the two behind him, "Next time if I know you run out without permission don't blame me for not being polite!"


Kent in the past, although it is seem to make people feel casual some, can launch a temper is also eaten.

Lexi nodded and said soothingly, "I'll investigate later if they are from the school, and if they are they will inform their principal as soon as possible."

Since they did something wrong, they should be disciplined!

Upon hearing this, Alia looked at Lexi with some admiration and couldn't help but say, "Lexi, you're really too good!"

"Well, go back to the hotel first, and when you wake up from your sleep, we'll give you time to go play alone tomorrow."

Although it is an organized tour, but there is not much restriction, in addition, the daytime should not be out of any big trouble, this Lexi is assured.

Alia nodded repeatedly and let go of her boyfriend's hand to hug Lexi's, "Lexi, your boyfriend is so strong, if you are a man, I must not choose him!"

The boyfriend on one side shouted sulkily, Lexi laughed helplessly and patted her little head, "Let's go."


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