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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 695

Kayla knew that Kent did not love her, but she thought that she had made a change, no longer capricious, he saw a new her would come around, would change his mind, but when his desperate words were spoken again, she once again heard the taste of her own heartbreak.

It was as if she had been holding her most precious things carefully, and he had decided to pick them up and smash them without regard!

That taste ...... was unbearable, painful, painful almost made her suffocate.

She looked at him with red eyes, "Kent, why not me, why not me?"

How she wished she could get a little of his attention, even if ...... it was just for a day, an hour, a look that she could look forward to.

But no ......

He was always that cold and heartless to her ......

"Kayla, after all these years, don't you get it?"

Not love is not love, no matter how much more you do, the only feelings can not be settled and forced ......

Kent looked at her with an icy gaze.

Kayla took a deep breath, her eyes growing red, "So, it's true that I'm impossible?"

"Yes!" He was certain, "You deserve better, but that person is not me."

He got up and straightened his cufflinks, "I hope the next time I see you, you'll have forgotten about me for three years and it's time for me to disappear from your world."

If it is not a good person, no matter how much time has passed, they will always not be together.

Kayla looked at his departing back and stood up abruptly, "Is it because of Lexi?"

Because she has already lived in his heart, no one can replace it.

"Right." He didn't deny it, "Three years ago, I was doubting, but three years later, I proved with time that I am sincere about this relationship."

He does not know love, nor does he know how the feelings between men and women really are.

Once upon a time, he did not understand everything between Elena and Logan, and always felt that the idea and practice of sacrificing themselves for each other was ridiculous. In his world, no matter what, his own interests should prevail first.

But then, he understood, so he didn't bother Lexi, nor did he ever give Kayla any hope.

Kayla smiled, not sure if it was desperation or self-deprecation, "I get it."

"Kayla," the man turned and looked into her eyes, "I know you may not be able to accept this answer, but I have one thing to say anyway."

Kayla took a deep breath and suppressed the depression in her heart, "Go ahead."

"Don't get any bad thoughts about her!"

That's his bottom line!

"I knew it." She laughed abruptly and laughed at herself, "You never took the initiative to mention any words to me, and now once mentioned, it must be related to her, what I should have known, I should have known."

But why did it take her so many years to fully understand?

Kent saw the tears running down the woman's cheeks and grimaced.

Soon, no longer looking at her straight out of the cafe.

And at the same time, Lexi's car was parked directly in front of the cafe, and the ear-splitting sound of the brakes attracted the attention of many people.

Kent originally just unintentionally glanced, but the woman who came down from the car made him couldn't help but show his amazement.

How did she get here!

In the blink of an eye, the man had walked quickly in front of him.

Kent subconsciously took a step back to look at her, "Lexi?"


The little woman responded and grabbed his hand to get into the car.

Kent barely reacted to what was going on here and immediately stopped in his tracks, "How did you find your way here?"


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