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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 704

Kent pulled the door open and the little one was standing just outside the door. Joel cautiously glanced at the bed, only to see Lexi, fully clothed, also looking over curiously, and their eyes collided with each other.

Inexplicably, the little one is not shy, Lexi is shy up.

Joel was not slow to withdraw his gaze, his eyes fell on Kent's body a face of contempt.

That look, as if it was saying how he was so indisputable.

Kent immediately picked him up straight away and quietly carried him outside , "What are you doing here early in the morning?"

"I came to see if you compete ah! The result did not expect ......"


Kent's mouth twitched and he pinched his nose, "Who did you hear this from?"


Joel didn't even think about selling Zach again straight away.

Kent gave him a suspicious look, "Are you sure he taught you that?"

Joel hesitantly smiled and immediately curtly said, "Hey, actually, Mommy asked me to come and see how you guys are doing."

"Since when did Elena get so attached to me?" Kent was a bit taken aback.

Joel immediately said righteously, "Mommy always cares about you, you just don't know it."

Kent's heart warmed, holding the little one to go outside, while walking also did not forget to say, "Today and yesterday are exceptions, next time do not allow such a hasty knock on the door!"


"You'll understand when you grow up."

Now he and Lexi haven't taken the final step, but who knows if it will happen in the days after, or the months after ......

So, if he were to be so reckless, not only would his heart palpitate, but even Lexi would be afraid.

Joel didn't dwell on the issue of being a child this time, but instead said softly, "Uncle, will you marry your aunt?"



Kent suddenly froze and reacted which is how he knew what he meant by asking.

"Because I love her." The light under the man's eyes was extraordinarily clear, making Joel almost unable to look away.

He looked at him for a while before he withdrew his gaze and looked down picking at his fingers curiously, "Uncle, what is love?"

"You're so young, you don't understand even if you talk about it!"

"How can I not understand, I just ...... am not sure yet, and I don't know what I should do to get it right."

Joel had a rare dilemma?

Kent was inexpressibly surprised, "Joel, did you ...... have a favorite in your heart at some point?"

Joel nodded, then shook his head with a confused look, "I don't know."

Kent curiously hooked his lips and couldn't help but follow up, "So tell me about the one you're not sure about."

"I like Simon... but I don't know if I love her."

The little one's face was confused and all his reactions fell into Kent's eyes making him more and more curious, "So what do you feel when you think of her?"

"It's a pleasure!"

He was almost overjoyed! It was as if life was complete just by thinking of her.


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