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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 716

Jacob hesitated for a moment or agreed, and before he left, he did not forget to say, "Madam, if there is anything wrong, you can find me first, and I will be there in the shortest possible time."


She responded, but she couldn't hold Joel any longer, so she hurriedly said goodbye and went back to the house.

Joel was placed gently on the bed by her, and behind her, Kent followed, "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay." She said, making a silent gesture and carefully tucked Joel in before pushing Kent out of the room with her.

Kent looked at Elena's appearance and couldn't help but frown, "Where's Logan?"

"At the hospital."



Elena nodded and raised her eyes to look at him, a touch of pain tinged the bottom of her eyes, "kent...... grandfather he ...... may not be able to hold out, liver cancer, advanced stage... ..."

She stumbled over her words, her body leaning somewhat feebly against the cold wall.

"Logan is now in the hospital keeping watch, but the doctor also said it's just for a few days."

Kent suddenly could not say half the words, full of confusion ......

"How is this possible? Wasn't George Brown's body quite strong some time ago? How can you say you are sick ......"

He said, can't help but shake his head, some want to deny the status quo, "No, there must be a mistake somewhere, maybe also because the examination report is wrong! You guys check it again properly and confirm!"


She looked at him, "George Brown passed out this afternoon and was just taken to the hospital for emergency care, only, the time after ......"

Elena took a deep breath and was somewhat unable to speak.

Kent moved his lips and wordlessly stepped forward to bring her into his arms and gently patted her back, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you, I just ...... don't know how to digest this fact yet ."

"I know." She replied dully.

Kent soothed her for a while before leading her downstairs, Lexi also made tea for the two of them, Kent called out to her, "You're just fine here, no need to deliberately avoid it."

She is now his, and naturally she does not speak of two families.

Lexi hesitated for a moment, but in the end, wordlessly retreated and sat down on the side.

Elena took a sip of tea and then calmed her mind a little bit.

"Kent, this matter George Brown has not yet gone out in public, not many people know about it yet, so I hope you can also keep it to yourself for the time being."

Even if the Brown Group is managed by Cornel, but George Brown's identity is also there, as the founder of the Brown Group, if it is so rashly spread out so that everyone knows the company's shareholders or the stock market will follow the turmoil.

This is something that he knows better than anyone else as well.

Kent nodded, "I understand."


"Silly girl, what are you thanking?" Kent patted her head with some discontent fear, "Have you eaten something? I'll make you some."


She shook her head, originally thought of asking him to make chicken soup as well, but thought that Logan would not eat at this time, and George Brown could not eat, so did not want to bother him.

Elena slightly steadied her mind, "I'm not hungry yet, and there's nothing in particular I want to eat, just wanted to talk to you guys about the Browns' situation, and also lest you see it all on the news afterwards."

Instead of letting it come to light, she should have spoken up herself first.


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