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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 731

Joel has the strength to turn Logan and Elena out, but that doesn't mean Logan can't do it either.

A phone call and the news that Simon's fever was unrelenting sent a small group of people from the hotel rushing back.

But when we got home, Princess Simon was so happy to be home, she was more energetic than anyone else.

Joel looked conspiratorially at Sophia, "Godmother ......"

Sophia immediately shivered with fear, poorly defending herself, "Joel, you do not blame Godmother, this is the male god's request, I also really have no way ......"

Woo ......

Who let Logan seduce her with his beauty?

Zach blackened his face on the sidelines, with the immediate feeling of having been pried out of the wall.

Simon's small hand softly gripped Joel's, "Jasper , don't you like Simon?"

When I was young, Simon was calling Jasper, but Elena felt the panic, so she changed her mouth to call Jasper, this shouting, how can not be changed.

Elena also seems to be extraordinarily fond of it, and can't help but think that no one has called him Jasper yet except her, and that's the same as her exclusive appellation.

The glutinous voice of Deeply melted Joel's heart, so he didn't think about the plan he had made, and he didn't think about grabbing Elena with Logan.

He took her hand back and softened his voice, "Then I'll take you to play, okay?"


"No, you brat ......"

Zach was angry with Logan for secretly calling his wife, and thought he could use Joel's hand to make Logan remember, but the head was immediately seduced by beauty!

Without waiting for him to step forward to stop the two, Sophia had reached out and snapped his hand to move after them.

"Zach, you ran off with Joel without saying a word... shouldn't you give me an explanation for this?"

"This ......"

Zach's scalp tingled, "I can actually explain it, just listen to me properly ......"

"Okay, then." Sophia wrapped her arms around her chest and stood in a stance of listening to his explanation.

"It's all Joel's fault, he wanted to get back at Logan so he thought he'd let me take him to Logan, but he didn't expect to pounce."

"Are you putting all the blame on Joel's shoulders?"

"No, no!"

He wouldn't dare.

Zach wanted to cry, to know that that was her godson, whom she spoiled.

At this moment Zach is really jumping into the yellow river can not be washed, and at this point, only to admit it.

Sophia forked her waist and angrily rebuked, "Well, this time you are not allowed to give me toss and turn, you will be punished to stay at home and take care of those two little ancestors!"

"Yes ......"

Zach said weakly, just the thought of Logan's heart is like adding a blockage, the face is also a hard look.

Sophia skimmed her lips and finally got angry, cupped her toes and held his face, "You, why are you so jealous? You usually spoil Simon so much, but you don't see me sour."

"That's different, Simon is the little princess of our family!"

"Little princess? What about me?"

Sophia puffed up her face, clearly said this is not sour, but now the heart is constantly bubbling with acid.


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