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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 738

News of Kent's proposal to Lexi reached Elena and Logan in less than half a day.

At that moment, even if Elena and Logan in foreign countries stay more comfortable can not stay, the wind and fire to return to the country.

When she saw Kent, Elena couldn't help but go up and beat her up, "You proposed and didn't even say hello to us beforehand! It's such an important moment, how dare you ......"

"It's just a proposal, you'll be there when the wedding is over." Kent clasped her hand in time and said in a good voice.

Elena sent him a direct glare, "Where's Lexi?"

"In the company, pregnant, the airport is too far to here, save tossing and turning again should throw up."

At these words, Elena then dropped the stigma.

Pull open the car door, before you have time to react, only to see what seems to have shaken in front of you, the next second, a soft body has been attached to it.


Joel cried out at her.

Elena then saw clearly that the person in her arms is her little one, then could not help but immediately hook a smile, "What's wrong, so aggrieved, who bullied you?"


"Me?" Elena was a little taken aback, "What did I do?"

The little one skimmed his lips and looked at her sulkily, as if waiting for her to reflect on herself.

Elena frowned similarly and was about to pursue the question in detail.

A pair of large hands reached out, then, directly dragged the little one to another embrace.

Logan's face is cold, "Stay honest, don't keep tossing your Mommy."

A man's familiar voice came from overhead, and Joel instantly changed his face.

"Daddy! You still have the nerve to say that you were simply too cunning when you sneaked Mommy out of the country! Foul!"

He even deliberately lied to him and made him think he had gone to New York!

Logan raised an eyebrow, pretending not to know, "What, you didn't already know that? I remember when Zach answered the phone and said you were having fun with Simon, and you didn't even answer my calls."


Joel was so mentioned, vaguely remembered that there is indeed such a thing, and then could not help but feel weak.

Elena was still in the bewildered stage and looked at the duo with some uncertainty, "Did you two, father and son, hide something from me again?"

"No." The man answered quickly, without a moment's hesitation.

Elena didn't believe it and her eyes fell on Joel's body.

The latter, as if feeling the pressure from the top of his head, nodded sarcastically with his conscience and said, "Daddy's right, how could we possibly hide it from you!"

The little one said, and his little face quickly followed with a harmless smile.

He put his arms around her and pouted, "Mommy, where did you go to play this time? Did you miss me ......"

"Of course I do."

Elena stroked the top of his head with a gentle look.

Joel instantly straightened up and looked at her excitedly, his eyes glowing, "What about my present!"

"A gift?"

"Mmm! It's the speciality!"


The corners of Elena's mouth twitched, suddenly some dare not look directly at the innocent sight of the child in front of him.

"Mommy......" the little one's mouth turned up, pulling down his face innocently, "So, you're not preparing anything for me?"

Elena wanted to cry, she received a phone call from Kent when she immediately let Logan booked a flight back, full of thoughts about Kent's proposal, where else to get.

She looked at Logan somewhat innocently, silently asking him for help.


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