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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 750

Zach really did not let Elena and Logan disappointed, not more than ten minutes of work has been the photos in hand, just for the time being has not deleted the photos, save Kayla at this time to suspect.

Elena stared at the photo for a long time and shook her head with a tsk, "Kent is so lucky! He's been hurt and someone's been giving him away."

"How can you be sure it's an injury, and you believe what he says?"

"Or believe you?" Elena lifted her hand and knocked him on the head in depression.

Logan bent his eyes and was in a good mood.

"What would you do if I took a picture like that with someone else?"


Elena looked him up and down and made scissors with her fingers, "I'll waste you!"

Logan was grieving, "How come Kent you believe that, but if it were me you would treat it differently?"

"That is Kent on the feelings of these things are not open-minded, besides, you are so astute if you can still be counted, can only say that you are deliberate."


Logan suddenly found that too much shrewdness is also wrong?

Elena saved the phone's photos in a separate folder with a password before she was relieved.

Elena is indeed a little too smart, Logan looked at her serious little face can not help a burst of reluctance, more like a tight.

Joel looked at Elena and Logan, who had just made a mess of it, and now they were so good that they were hugging each other, and they were not happy about it, so they pounced on them and squeezed into the middle of them and hugged Elena's arm.

Logan's eyes narrowed and he was easily lifted up.

Joel was shocked and turned his head to see the man behind him, "Daddy, you, what are you doing!"

The little one's little arms and legs were flailing about, Elena was afraid of hurting him and grabbed it in her arms, "Why are you being serious again?"

"That's what he did on purpose."

Logan looked and was caught off guard when he met the little guy making faces at him with glee, causing a surge of veins on his forehead!

The three were almost a mess when Lexi and Kent came back, saw the scene inside the house heart could not help but warm, that taste, as if really back home general.

Elena quickly put down Joel, Logan also quickly organized a messy pair, face a calm, as if nothing had just happened in general.

After several people had eaten, Lexi's body could not really carry it, so she took a shower and stayed in bed.

Kent's heart aches, blow drying her hair for her before bending down and dropping a kiss on her cheek, "Don't go to the office tomorrow, you'll rest at home."

"No. ......"

The little woman whimpered, and her little hand fumbled to hold his, not knowing if she was talking in her sleep or answering him.

Kent looked at her under the eyes of the black and blue more and more heartbroken, rubbed her little face lightly coaxed, "Sleep, I'm right next to you."


Lexi finished responding and fell into a dream state the next second.

Kent stayed for a while and saw that finally there was no movement before he slowly broke away from her clasping his hand and left gently.

Lexi sleeps aromatically, unaware.

Elena and Logan had already put Joel to sleep, and when they saw him come out they took out their phones and flipped through the photos and put them on the table, "This is the photo Kayla showed me."

Kent was suspicious for a while, and his face suddenly changed after he looked down.

"I didn't do it, much less take a picture with her like that!"

"So, that could only have been taken without your knowledge."


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