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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 761

Kayla went all the way back to G City with the baby straight away, no half-assed surprise, because there was no place left for her except G City!

On the way, Joel had been so abnormally well-behaved that Kayla just assumed he was frightened.

The heart can not help but a sneer, in the end is a child only, if he is honest, she will not do anything.

Only just on the highway for a short time Joel could not help but make a fuss and shouted hungry.

Kayla blushed for a moment, "Where am I going to find food for you in this place, other than a service station!"

Joel shrank his head and said weakly, "There's one at ...... in the back seat of the car that Daddy always keeps on hand for Mommy."

"Then take it yourself, I'm driving, I don't have that kind of free time to care about you."

It's all in the car, and Kayla doesn't think he'll be able to pull any tricks.

Joel 'oh', directly from the passenger seat climbed into the back of the car to look for, and sure enough, soon turned out a snack cheerfully eaten up.

Kayla glanced through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Spare other men will not be so thoughtful to prepare snacks in the car, not to mention snacks are not prepared for the children, but for the wife.

Thinking about it, she had to admit that Logan had indeed been a little too nice to Elena.

Joel ate on one side, while watching Kayla's movement body not a moment later sat behind the back seat of her car, small hands also secretly turned out the phone on the silent mode, then sent a message to Logan to report the safety of the past.

Kayla was sensitive to what the little guy behind her seemed to be doing, but couldn't see it, so she just let out a low bellow, "What are you doing!?"

"I ...... I eat snacks ah!"

Joel said innocently, and his eyes followed him to the rearview mirror.

Kayla stared for a moment and just shook her head, blaming herself for being overwhelmed.

But at the end of the day, he couldn't help but reprimand in a low voice, "You better be honest with me, or else you won't see your DaddyMommy for the rest of your life!"


The little one nodded heavily and pityingly squeezed out two tears, "I will be good and obedient, so you must not let me not find Mommy......"

It's annoying when children cry, and Kayla didn't want to pursue this look any further, so she just waved her hand and said, "I'm just saying, but if you do as you're told, nothing will happen."

Joel then stopped crying and finally followed with a nice smile on his face.

Kayla's nerves, which had been on the verge of collapse, also completely relaxed, "There's still some time to get to G City, so if you're tired just get yourself some rest."


Joel put down his snacks and obediently laid down in the back seat, his tiny body taking up just one seat.

Kayla also breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't take long for the little one's timid voice to come back again, "So when can I go back to Mommy's side?"

"Wait until I get to G City."

"Is this a long way to G City?"

Joel was like a hundred thousand whys asking questions all the time, and Kayla was bored with the questions, her face sank with the swish.

"If you say one more word, I'll get you killed right now! You'll never think of seeing your Mommy again in your life!"

Joel immediately shrank his head and settled down with it.

Kayla's ears finally cleared and she concentrated on driving.

Behind, Joel has been sending messages with Logan, until they understand each other's situation between them after this silent shut the phone curled up into a ball and slept peacefully.


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