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President's Contract Wife novel Chapter 152

Lucien Gray has left all the company's affairs to the vice president, and he stays beside Nina Morrison with all of his heart.

"Miss Nina, please eat something!" Paige stands beside Nina Morrison's bed with a tray in her hand. She knows that Nina Morrison cannot hear her voice, but she still has to talk to her.

Nina Morrison's smart water eyes have completely lost their luster. She stares at Paige without any reaction.

Nina Morrison is thinner than before, and her whole body has almost become a shadow.

Lucien Gray is like an ant on a hot pot, but he doesn't know how he can atone for this.

If he die, Nina Morrison can be happy. He is really willing to die.

"Morrison, I beg you to eat something! When you feel a little better, I'll let you go. Okay? I swear that I'll never harass you again in the whole life. All right? "Lucien Gray said in a low voice. It's a pity that Nina Morrison couldn't hear it at all.

Nina Morrison still refuses to eat. Her lips are dry and skinny, but she still refuses to drink any water. If there had no doctor to give her nutrient, she would die for thirst or for starvation!

Lucien Gray is so anxious that he is about to kowtow to her. He takes a mouthful of water, and then he puts his lips on Nina Morrison's lips.

Nina Morrison instinctively wants to turn her head away, but her head is fixed firmly by Lucien Gray's bid hands, and she is unable to move.

Seeing that this method can make Nina Morrison drink some water, Lucien Gray is overjoyed!

Since then, Nina Morrison's food has all become liquid. Soymilk, milk, vegetable juice, and even gruel are beaten into thin liquid.

Lucien Gray feeds Nina Morrison with liquid in his mouth. Nina Morrison fought desperately at the beginning and she refused to drink what Lucien Gray had brought with his mouth. Later, she found that it's useless to resist, so she pretends to be wood or corpses, and accepts what Lucien Gray does to her.

She's disappointed thoroughly. Her heart is completely broken by this man- Lucien Gray. There is no room for turning back from then on.

The weather is getting warmer. Spring is coming.

Grandfather Gray calls from the United States, and he urges Lucien Gray to go to work immediately. If he doesn't go to work, he can't see his son again.

Thus Lucien Gray has no choice but to go to work. He hands Nina Morrison to Paige and says: "Paige, you must take good care of Morrison. If there is anything wrong with Morrison, I will punish you. "

Lucien Gray's phone rings. It is a string of strange numbers. This cell phone number is only known by close friends, so Lucien Gray picks up the phone.

"Lucien Gray! What did you do to Morrison! Why can't I contact her by cell phone? Why don't you answer my phone? If I didn't call you with someone else's cell phone, would you never answer my phone all your life! "


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