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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 222

"Well, you come to see Jessica again!"

“The roses are so beautiful! I feel so envious!”

"Jessica is so happy. I heard that you've been married. Really?"

Shawn walked to Jessica and handed over roses to her. With Jessica in his arms, he smiled at the public. "It's true. Thank you for the blessing."

His answer touched off waves of applause.

"Shawn, when will you hold the wedding?"

"Well, we are all expecting your wedding party!"

Shawn smiled, "I am making preparations. Today, I bring some sweets for everyone."

Then, an assistant carried several large cases from the car, took some heart-shaped chocolates from them and gave everyone a box.

The gift box was exquisite, with their wedding photo on it. They looked very happy in the picture.

Everyone sent his congratulations.

Then, the assistant took two boxes of sweets to Natalia.

She handed them over to Natalia and said, "They are for you. Hope you can share the happiness of Shawn and Jessica."

Nancy clenched her fist in anger and literally wanted to throw her fists on her face.

Natalia stopped Nancy, smiled and took the boxes.

"Thank you."

That assistant's expression froze as Natalia took the boxes, but she went on handing out the remaining chocolate boxes without a word.

An unknown actress mocked, "Someone turns the facts upside down and flatters herself, saying that someone stole her boyfriend. How embarrassed that woman must be as her lie is nailed."

That actress said with sarcasm. People around understood what she meant, but they were in dumb silence.

Natalia glanced at her and chuckled.

"No wonder some actress can only play some unknown roles all her life. Directors do have a sharp eye.”

“You just cannot give some strut in borrowed plumes any important task, or it will certainly ruin everything. Nancy, do you think so?"

Nancy nodded with a smile, "Yes."

That actress was enraged, "Natalia, what are you talking about?"

"What? You certainly know what I mean."


That actress was about to go forward to her. Nancy stood before Natalia, protective and powerful, and the actress immediately knew better than to continue.

All knew that Natalia's bodyguard was good at fighting and should not be provoked.

That actress could only flick her sleeves, turned her head and said to Jessica, "Jessica, just ignore her. She is jealous of you, like a fox that cannot eat the grapes."

Jessica looked embarrassed.

"Eva, my sister is straight-forward. She said that not on purpose. Please do not argue with her."

"Jessica, look at her arrogant look. Why do you stand for her?"

"You insulted her, so she paid you back. She is my sister and doesn't get me into trouble, why don't I stand for her?"

Eva was speechless.

People around chuckled.

"Mind her own business. Even if Jessica and Natalia are not on good terms, they are sisters, after all. Why did she have the guts to walk over to bullshit Natalia?"


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