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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 247

With Julia’s reminder, Jessica finally reacted.

She murmured, “Right. As long as I’m still Shawn’s wife, I’m still part of the Miller family. They won’t leave me like this. Make a phone call for me, Julia. Call Shawn.”

Julia nodded and went out.

Not long later, the phone call was done.

She walked in and said to Jessica, “Mr. Miller is on the way with his father. They must have already heard the news of your arrest. He said they were almost here when I called him.”

Hearing that, Jessica heaved a sigh of relief.

Luckily enough, she still had the position of Mrs. Miller.

As much as Shawn didn’t love her anymore, out of consideration for the Miller family’s reputation, he couldn’t stand by and watch her become a convict.

Julia stayed with her for a while. Not long later, Shawn and Henry arrived.

Jessica saw them and felt all her pent-up emotion burst out of her chest.

Her eyes reddened and swam with tears as she exclaimed, “Dad! Shawn.”

Henry was the same as always, with his lukewarm expression. He nodded.

“You two talk. I’ll go and pull some strings over there.”

Shawn nodded.

The Miller family did have connections in Julio, after all. Everyone knew that Jessica’s identity was special, so they didn’t disturb them.

They emptied out the whole interrogation room to let them talk.

Jessica sat on her chair, all her sourness and resentment turning to tears and rolling down her cheek.

Shawn sat across her, looking at her coldly.

“You don’t think that you can solve everything by crying after making such a huge mess, do you?”

Jessica froze.

She put away her tears, lifted her head, and looked at him with misty eyes.

“I’m sorry for the trouble, Shawn. Thank you for coming to get me out. I promise I’ll keep it low-profile from now on.”

Miller smirked.

“From now on?”

He sneered. “We’ll talk about the future later. Let’s go back to the present.”

Jessica nodded and pleaded, “Julia already requested bail earlier, but they wouldn’t let me. You have to do something, Shawn.”

Shawn nodded back.

“I can get you out, but you need to cooperate with me, all right?”

Jessica nodded hastily.

“What do you need, Shawn? Anything you ask for.”

Shawn chuckled mockingly. “Where’s Natalia?”

Jessica was left speechless.

Her face changed, and the high-tension string in her brain snapped. Something buzzed inside her and exploded.

She looked at him in disbelief. “Even you think I’ve hidden Natalia away?”


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