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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 363

The rain pelted down harshly.

Natalia crouched in place, her whole body shivering.

The director brought a group of workers over, desperately concerned. “Are you all right? Are you okay?”

She nodded.

“Your hands are injured? Quick! Get her to the hospital!”

Natalia’s memory of what happened afterwards was fuzzy.

She didn’t know what was going on, only that her head was swimming as everyone bandaged her wounds with ragged strips temporarily. But the blood still flowed, as if to drain her dry.

Not long afterwards, she fainted.


In the Kawn household.

Wilhelm met with Emma.

Both hair samples had been tested for DNA and the results were out.

But said results surprised everyone.

Because the results showed that it wasn’t just Natalia who was Yvonne’s daughter, but Jessica also had a blood relationship with the Kawn family.

At that, both Wilhelm and Emma were taken aback.

How could it be?

Yvonne had passed on, so the DNA samples taken for the test, aside from Natalia and Jessica’s, included Wilhelm’s.

There was one generation between them, but under close calculations, they could still produce results.

But the results were – Natalia and Jessica both had a quarter of the Kawn family bloodline.

What was going on?

Old man Kawn and Emma fell silent as they pondered the conundrum.

At that moment, he suddenly received a phone call.

It had been from Selena. She told him of Natalia’s incident, to which Wilhelm shook, asked for the hospital’s address, and rushed out.

On the other side, Archie had also received the news.

Annie International was investing in the show, and Natalia’s relationship with him had long since gone public.

So, the moment the incident occurred, the producers called him right away.

Archie had been the first to arrive. When he had, Natalia hadn’t woken up yet.

The doctors checked her and found she had a fever of 39.5 centigrade. Thankfully, they gave her a shot, and it had already died down.

As for the wound on her hand, because she’d used too much force, the wires had cut through her palm like a knife, severing two of the most major blood vessels and tendons in her palms. That was why she’d bled out so much.

Wounds like that would have to heal over a month or two.

And even healed, it would affect her life going forward. Unable to use too much force, unable to lift heavy objects, and such.

Furthermore, when Natalia’s wires had snapped, her body had swayed and slammed into the cliffside, causing a fractured hip.

With all those wounds together, it was very serious.

The cast hadn’t thought she’d be hurt this badly. Looking at Archie’s shadowed face with a man-eating scowl plastered on top, none of them dared speak, or even breathe loudly.

The director, Howard, led the prop group up timidly.

“Mr. McCarthy, these two were the staff members responsible for the props today. But I’ve already asked them about it. The wires Natalia used were fine in the morning but snapped when she used them in the afternoon. Foul play is clearly involved, and it shouldn’t involve them.”

Howard intended to plead the case for the two staff members.

After all, they really weren’t to blame.

Nobody knew how, just an hour ago, it had been fine, but just over lunch when Natalia arrived, things had gone wrong.


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