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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 395

The phone had been on speaker all the time, so Natalia had heard what Max had said as well.

She’d always been interested in this Violet Group. It was just that she’d never had the chance to get in contact before. Now that an opportunity had presented itself, of course she wanted to attend.

Most importantly, according to her understanding, the emblem of the Violet Group was a realistic violet flower. It was possible they were related to Mr. K’s death.

She shot Archie a look, and seeing that, he agreed.

The following day, the auction was held as planned at the International Summit.

Since it was an important scene, Natalia was in a deep-colored tuxedo dress, with her hair made up; she looked positively elfin.

And Archie was in a white suit. The man’s hair was short and clean, and he looked straighter than a board in his suit. Compared to Max’s refined look, Archie gave off a feeling of cool purity, someone you could look on but not touch.

Natalia took his arm and their group arrived at the International Summit right on time.

The doorway was set up with strict security. Only people with an invitation were allowed inside.

Naturally, those of the four families had that right, Archie among them. Passing through security, it was a broad exhibition hall inside, with plenty of people having already arrived, not just natives of Ambario, but from other nations as well.

Natalia looked at the faces inside she usually only saw on international news, and was taken aback.

She grew even more curious abut this Violet Group now.

It was still early, and the auction hadn’t officially started yet.

The three found a spot and sat down.

Natalia couldn’t hold in her curiosity and asked, “What’s with this Violet Group? They could get together so many bigshots on the international stage.”

Max chuckled. “Makes sense that you wouldn’t know! Have you heard of the Lafayette family?”

Natalia blinked. “Isn’t that the surname of the previous imperial dynasty?”

“That’s the previous imperial family, all right.”

Natalia froze there.

Archie stroked her hair. “The Violet Group are the descendants of the Lafayettes. After the previous empire fell, the Lafayette family members scattered across the world and established the Violet Group, which leads us to now.”

Natalia was dubious. “But doesn’t the history books say that the Lafayette family all died along with their empire in the Imperial city?”

The recent history of Ambario was a bloody, war-torn one. At the end of the previous empire, the country grew weak, and foreign nations invaded, directly causing the end of the empire. According to history, all members of the royal family had died with their empire.

And after the end of that dynasty, there came over half a century of warlords feuding with each other, with champions claiming territory everywhere, dividing up the country.

Later on, with the birth of a hero who led his brothers to end the chaotic fighting, this flourishing, peaceful country had been born.

To think of it now, even though the establishment of the nation had only been for a few decades, the half-century of chaos in the middle put the previous empire at over a hundred years in the past.

Archie explained, “The history books aren’t necessarily real. In truth, at the end of the previous dynasty, its rulers had already sensed the danger the empire was in. They’d tried to think of a way to change, but the house was crumbling, and it wasn’t something that could be reversed by human power. So they sent a small team out to leave with the young emperor and a large collection of national treasures. That team was sent out in secret, so almost nobody knew. Not long afterwards, those in power declared the young emperor dead. During the chaos of the warlords, there were rumors claiming that the young emperor wasn’t dead, and had instead fled out of the country. But in that day and age, rumors in general were flying all over the place, so nobody paid attention. That’s how the bloodline was preserved.”


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