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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 402

The content of the will was simple but surprised everyone.

Besides Wilson will still be in command of the Kawn Properties, the will also said that Mr. Kawn would give Natalia the vital 15% of Kawn Properties’ shares, as well as many of his own properties.

Everyone was shocked and didn’t believe what they just heard.

Natalia also froze. She didn’t understand Mr. Kawn’s intention.

She stood up and made her point, “Mr. Kawn, I’m not a member of the Kawn family and don’t have anything to do with the Kawns. It would be inappropriate for you to do that. There’s no reason for me to accept the stock and properties.”

However, Mr. Kawn raised his hand and stopped her speech before she finished.

“Lia, don’t reject this so soon.”

He looked at her softly and asked, “Do you remember when you were born?”

Natalia paused and was even more puzzled. She answered honestly, “Of course. November 3, 1995.”

“No, you’re wrong. Not November 3 but September 26.”

Natalia froze.

“How, how can this be possible?”

For no reason, she started to feel bad and forced herself to smile.

“Mr. Kawn, are you kidding me? I remember quite well that I was born in November. I have celebrated my birthday for more than two decades. How could I make such a mistake?”

“You didn’t make a mistake. Because the person who told you when your birthday is didn’t know it either. She found you that day and decided that it would be your birthday. I don’t blame it on her. But Lia, your real birthday is on September 26.”

Natalia was confused.

“Found me? Mr. Kawn, I didn’t understand what you mean.”

Mr. Kawn gave the maid next to him a look and she handed in a report.

“At the beginning, I wanted to take the secret with me to my grave, but then something happened that made me change my mind. I don’t have much time left for me to hesitate. Take a look at this. I can vouch for the authenticity of the report. If you don't believe me, you can do the test yourself. This is legit.”

Saying that, he passed the DNA report to her.

Natalia just stared at it and didn’t take it.

After a while, Archie, who was standing next to her, took the report for her and started reading it.

Natalia turned to him and she could tell from the look on his face that Mr. Kawn was telling the truth.

How could this be possible?

She was terrified. She grabbed the report and checked the data carefully. Her eyes were finally fixed on the percentage on the ending of the report.

“Lia, you are Yvonne’s child. After all this time, we have been searching around and didn’t know where to find you. After all the efforts, you are around us already.”

“This is all our fault. We didn’t find this out in time and was fooled by Jessica for so long. Now that the truth has come to light, I hope you can forget me and give me the chance to make it up to you, okay?”

Natalia was completely overwhelmed. She kept looking at the data and couldn’t believe it.

How could she be one of the Kawns?

How could she be adopted?

She still remembered that she was raised in the Hawkins’s mansion. Her mother Kiera treated her so well and everyone said that they looked alike and that she would be just as pretty as her mother when she grew up.


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