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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 634

The make-up artist was putting on make-up for Laura.

Just at this moment, a staff member walked up to her.

"Excuse me, Laura, but… your assistant just said she suddenly got an upset stomach and that she wanted to ask for a leave. We’ll arrange for another assistant to help you for the next few days. Is that OK with you?"

Laura was shocked to hear that.

She didn’t catch on at first.

Nicole was ill?

Laura asked in surprise, "How come I know nothing of it? Where is she now?"

The staff member replied hesitantly, "She’s… off to the hospital. Maybe she got ill so suddenly that she didn’t have the time to tell you, so she asked me to deliver the message for her. Since we have a lot to do these days, we’ll just arrange for a temporary assistant for you. Are you fine with it?"

Laura nodded, "Of course."

Actually, she wasn’t fussy about stuff like this, but how come Nicole got ill out of the blue?

She was well last night!

With that in mind, Laura called Nicole.

The phone was answered at once, and Nicole’s weak voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey, Laura. I’m so sorry. I don’t feel well and I don’t know why. I might not be able to work today."

Laura comforted her immediately, "It’s alright. Don’t think about work anymore. How are you feeling now? What did the doctor say?"

Nicole felt guiltier upon hearing that.

But thinking of what her boss had told her, she could only force herself to answer, "I… I’m alright. It’s just stomach flu, I assume. Maybe I just need to take a rest."

Relief surged through Laura as she heard what Nicole said.

"Well, fine then. Have a good rest. If there’s anything, call me."

Nicole replied at once, "OK. Thank you, Laura."

Laura hung up.

After that, she told the staff member, "OK. Bring her over."

The staff member agreed at once and left.

Before long, a temporary assistant was brought to her.

Meanwhile, Laura kept her eyes shut because the make-up artist was putting on eye make-up for her.

Eye make-up was the most important part of the whole look and every detail had to be perfect, so Laura had to be cooperative and keep her eyes closed during the whole time.

Even if she had to open her eyes, she closed them right after.

The staff member brought the assistant to her and introduced the person to her. "Laura, your temporary assistant will take care of you for the next few days."

Laura opened her eyes slightly and said, "OK. Go ahead with your work."

The staff member nodded and left.

Laura was surprised to see her new assistant, Leslie.

Because he was a man. Laura had assumed that she would get a female assistant.

Besides, she found him familiar.

Her new assistant was tall, about six foot one. He was wearing baggy sportswear with a bucket hat on his head. Unshaven, he was standing against the light with his head down, so Laura couldn’t see his face clearly.

But somehow, he looked so familiar to her.

But Laura thought no more of him. After all, she would never know the man in front of her was actually the one she was most familiar with.

She just took him as a freak, who was dressed in baggy clothes to make himself look more stylish or something like that.

Laura, nevertheless, didn’t comment on it because she met him for the first time, and besides, he was just a temporary assistant.


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