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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 755

Plus, Patrick’s relatives even added fuel to the flame, which made him feel that the real culprit for making his life worse was Queeny.

It would be nice if she disappeared.

This thought kept running through his mind, but he didn’t dare to put it into practice.

On one occasion, he heard about a rumored trafficker for children under the age of 10 in town.

Anyone with children was alarmed when they heard the rumor.

They protected their children for fear that anything might happen.

But when the news came, Patrick’s eyes lit up and he knew the best time had come.

An idea floated into his mind quickly.

One morning, Patrick, who had always been harsh to Queeny, suddenly became kind and gentle to her.

He asked her if she would like to visit the county. He also promised to buy her some candies.

Queeny was about 8 at that time, and she was bursting with curiosity.

And she loved eating candies...

Since she came to the Dempsey family, she couldn’t remember how long she hadn’t eaten one.

So she said yes immediately, without even asking her mother for permission.

After taking her to the county, Patrick told Queeny to wait for him to buy candy.

She was smart and meek. She sat on a big rock and started to wait for him.

However, her stepfather never returned.

It was not until late in the evening she realized that she seemed to have been abandoned.

She knew he was not coming back to take her home. He expected her to die outside so that he wouldn’t have to bear so many burdens and responsibilities for someone unrelated to him by blood.

So how could he be kind enough to actually take her to the county for candies?

Now Queeny had forgotten her mood at that time.

All she remembered was running towards home at night after she discovered the truth.

She was a little girl, but with her amazing perseverance and memory skills, she walked home alone from the county.

She spent a whole day and night trudging home. When she stood at the door again, she found that her mother, distraught at the news of her disappearance, was frantically looking for her.

However, Patrick was convinced that a child would never find her way home on her own and must have been taken by human traffickers.

He thought Meredith would soon give up, too.

So the unfeeling Patrick went to bed happily.

When Queeny got home, he was still asleep.

He thought it was Meredith coming back when he heard the heavy knock at the door.

He got up impatiently to answer the door, but he was shocked as soon as he saw the child at the door.

The next, he was doused with a bucket of foul-smelling feces.

After he caught on, he screamed abuse at her and tried to catch her.

However, Queeny was well prepared, and how could she be caught so easily?

She slipped away like a tiny loach before he could touch her.


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