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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 821

Queeny looked up at her in silence.

Bella said softly, "Actually, Felix and I made a bet."

Queeny remained silent.

Bella continued, "If he lost, he would have to marry me. If he won, I'd leave and never bother him again."

Queeny sneered, "What does this have to do with me?"

Bella wiggled her finger, "Oh, it has everything to do with you."

She suddenly leaned forward and whispered, "Queeny, you wanna know which one of us means more to him, right?"

Queeny looked at her and frowned slightly.

"What do you mean?"

Bella smiled, "Felix has a big plan right now and I'm a big part of it. You didn't know, did you?"

"I made a bet with him that if I could come back alive, he would have to marry me and you must leave."

Queeny narrowed her eyes coldly.

Bella's voice was soft but magical as if to pull her into an abyss.

She said softly, "Obviously he chose money over you, but I'm not satisfied with that. I wanna know whose side he will take if it’s not about money."

Queeny suddenly had a bad feeling.

Bella suddenly stood up, took Queeny’s hand, and screamed, "Queeny, no. Listen to me!"

Bella leaned against the railing.

Queeny frowned.

Then Bella screamed, "What are you doing? Ah!"

She fell off the railing.

Everyone was horrified.

They rushed over but Bella had already fallen into the pond and Queeny's hand was in mid-air. It looked like she pushed Bella down.

Katy screamed, "Miss Horton, how could you do that? Miss Collins doesn’t know how to swim!"

Everyone was shocked on hearing that.

At this moment, they heard quick footsteps behind them. They turned around and saw a man at the stairway.

At the sound of Katy's voice, he rushed down the stairs.

Queeny’s eyes twitched a little.

She had a bad feeling. Soon, she heard someone screaming downstairs.

"Ah! Mr. Bissel, Mr. Bissel jumped into the water!"

Everyone rushed over there.

Queeny was at the back, her face pale.

On the way, Ella, who was pushing her wheelchair, cursed in a low voice, "What a bitch!"

Queeny asked her in surprise, "Did you see me push her just now?"

Ella nodded and added, "But anyone with a brain would know that you couldn't have pushed her and that she fell on purpose."


"Why? You have a million ways to kill her without anyone knowing if you want. Why should you push her in front of everyone in a public place? It's stupid, isn't it?"

Queeny was relieved at Ella's words.

She didn't think Felix was that stupid even though he was prejudiced against her.

She didn't think he was less observant than a maid.


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