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President’s Sweet Wife novel Chapter 823

Then Felix turned around and strode out.

Bella was totally stunned.

Queeny could not fall asleep that night.

Probably because of what happened or the fact that she had a terrible mood, she tried for a long time to fall asleep with her eyes closed but failed.

She opened her eyes and it was pitch black. She turned her head slightly, got the remote from the table, and opened the curtains. Bright moonlight poured in.

Suddenly, she recalled the time when she was in the orphanage long ago.

It was also a summer night with a bright moon and many stars in the sky.

She could not sleep one night and slipped into the kitchen to steal some snacks. Then she climbed up the stairs at the back of the yard to the roof.

She ate the snacks and looked at the stars. A cool night breeze came at her.

Just then, a boy's shout came from below.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

She was startled and thought it was Mr. Webber. She tried to stand up, but she stepped on a mossy tile and fell off.

The boy was probably startled too and stood still as she fell off.

As a result, she fell on top of him and they fell to the ground together.

The boy was sore all over and it took them a long time to get up from the ground.

As soon as she saw him, she got angry and punched him on the shoulder.

"Why did you shout? You freaked me out. I thought you were Mr. Webber."

Felix covered his sore chest with a look of anger.

"Why were you sitting on the roof in the middle of the night?"

Queeny looked guilty.

She could only whisper, "It's none of your business!"

Felix was furious, but there was nothing he could do but snort.

"If you keep acting like this, I'll tell Mr. Webber and let him punish you."

Queeny was scared.

It took her a long time to find a place to live. There were clothes and food there and she could go to school. She didn't want to be kicked out.

So she took his sleeve and begged, "Fine. Sorry. Please don't tell him."

Felix gave a cold snort.

They stood in the small yard. He looked up at the roof and suddenly got curious.

"Is it really that comfortable sitting up there?"

Queeny said, "Of course. It's hot inside but it's cool on the roof and you can look at the stars. Would you like to try?"

Felix was raised to be obedient and had never done anything like this before.

So he shook his head without hesitation.


However, Queeny took his sleeve and said, "Come on. Maybe you'll like it! I'll take you up."

He was reluctant but she was being pushy. Finally, they climbed up the stairs together.

Being on the roof was different from being on the ground.

The sky seemed to be within reach.


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