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President’s Twins: Buy One, Get One Free novel Chapter 50

“There must be some misunderstandings, Alayna.”

Hayden meddled in. She really couldn’t believe Kevin would do such a thing.

Although she hadn’t been in ST Group for a long time, Kevin had quite good reputation in the company. He was indeed a playboy, but she never heard that he had done such kind of things before.

“I saw it with my own eyes. Afraid this damn rascal wouldn’t admit, I also took the video.”

Seeing that Hayden didn’t believe her, Alayna pulled out her cell phone, playing a video clip in front of them all.

On the screen, the crime scene was the backseat of this black BMW. The door was half open, Kevin was holding a woman whose clothes were messy. After zooming in, it could be seen that Kevin was taking off his pants. That woman suddenly struggled and cried, “Help.”

Kevin’s pants were about to fall off.

“Well...” Hayden couldn’t continue watching it. With one hand rubbing her forehead, she pushed Alayna with the other and whispered, “Enough is enough. Put it away.”

“Jesus! Why do you still keep this video? You must delete it!”

Kevin was so anxious, stamping. “You are invading my privacy!”

Alayna raised her eyebrows.

“Invading your privacy? You damn rascal, if it weren’t for me, you would have succeeded. Think you can be released because you have money and wealth to bribe the policemen? I’ll beat you up whenever I see you in future.”

“Madwoman, what nonsense are you talking about? Be careful. I’ll sue you for slander...”

Seeing that they were about to fight again, Hayden and Joseph dragged each of them apart.

“OK. OK. Alayna, stop it.”

Hayden felt embarrassed to death. Even if Kevin had any personality problem, she still would meet him from time to time in the company. If he was beaten up by Alayna again, what should she do?

“That’s Kevin’s girlfriend, Evelyn,” Joseph explained.

He pulled Kevin’s arm and added, “She’s not a passerby.”

“His girlfriend?”

Hayden was a little bit taken aback for a moment. The atmosphere eased somehow.

“Of course she’s my girlfriend. Or am I out of my mind? If I raped a woman, I must go to jail.” Kevin soared at Alayna in anger, “Also it wasn’t me who took the initiative at all. It was Evelyn who framed me.”

All others were stunned.

To prove his innocence, Kevin pulled out his phone and showed his photos with his girlfriend to the two women. Then he reluctantly explained the unpleasant incident of breaking up with her, so the two women finally understood what had happened was really a misunderstanding.

Earlier when came to the garage from the airport and was about put her luggage into the truck, she found the car opposite was shaking. Hence, she paid more attention on it. Then she heard a woman struggling, so she pulled out her phone and shot the video all the way when walking over. Sure enough, she had seen a pretty woman being pressed by a man forcibly under his body.

That woman suddenly cried for help. Of course Alayna couldn’t just sit and watch. Immediately, she pulled Kevin away and beat him to half-dead. Then she took him to the security department.

However, Kevin explained the scene in another way.

“I came back from a business trip today. Before the trip, I just broke up with Evelyn. She said she got something to give me so she came to the airport to pick me up. Who knows she took an initiative in the car. When she saw this woman, she suddenly cried for help. I know she was annoyed by our breakup so she deliberately set me up.”

Hayden nodded as it really made sense after she thought it through. Even if Kevin would really do such a thing, why would he choose the airport garage where a lot of people passed by and many surveillance cameras were installed?

“I don’t think so. You said she is your ex-girlfriend. Perhaps you just want to have a final sex with her before totally breaking up.”

Alayna still looked not convinced, staring at Kevin with an extreme disdain.



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