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President’s Twins: Buy One, Get One Free novel Chapter 64

Hayden’s supper was no less impressive than dinner. Six beautiful plates were served on the table. There were shredded carrots and cucumbers, cooked peanuts and peas, and the most fragrant of all, a bowl of fried bean and meat sauce. The fragrance of meat was overflowing.

She prepared a large bowl of noodles for Joseph, with sauce and side dishes. She served it to him and casually told him, “You mix them up yourself. This is extremely delicious.”

After saying these words, she rushed off to prepare her own noodles.

Joseph pressed his palms against the bowl of noodles. It was a little burning. Even his eyes, which were looking at the busy woman beside him, started burning a little.

It’s rare for a person from a rich family to have the opportunity to see his own family members preparing food themselves. His house was full of servants and maids, and everything was prepared by them.

He had lived like this since he was a child, but this scene in front of him resembled some images from his childhood, triggering memories and at the same time triggering some old scars.

Hayden took a few big bites, and only half of the bowl of noodles was left. She felt satisfied. She glanced to the side and saw that Joseph’s bowl still looked colorful, which looked the same as when she served it to him.

“Why aren’t you eating yet?” She asked confusedly. After a moment of silence, she asked softly, “You haven’t eaten noodles with fried bean and meat sauce before?”

“Is it weird that I haven’t eaten it before?” Joseph asked her back.

Nanking is in the South, noodles with fried bean and meat sauce are unique to the North. Although they are also common in the South, they are generally found at street stalls. The private chef wouldn’t serve noodles with fried bean and meat sauce to Joseph during his meals, and he would be even less likely to eat at a street stall.

“Uh, not weird, not weird.” Hayden forced a smile and stretched out her hand in a flattering manner.

“I’ll mix them up for you.”

“No need,” Joseph held his chopsticks and stirred them up by himself. His movements were not quite skilled, but not clumsy either.

“I actually understand you quite well.”

Hayden tried to make up for her rudeness just now.

“When I was still the second daughter of the Downey family, as long as I was at home, no one at home asked me to work. My stepmother and sister also didn’t work at all. So something like noodles with fried bean and meat sauce, I guess Chelsea would never eat in her life.”

Seeing that she didn’t mind talking about her family, Joseph showed a slightly surprised expression. But, his expression returned to normal after a split second, and he asked, “Your stepmother treated you well?”

“What do you think?”

Hayden rolled her eyes.

If her stepmother treated her well, would Chelsea treat her so badly at Kingsley and Michelle’s engagement party? Like mother like daughter, it was so obvious.

Joseph frowned and asked again,

“You don’t seem to mind?”

“I don’t mind,” Hayden took a big bite of noodles and said in a slurred voice, “To me, the people who were good to me and really important to me have all passed away. The ones left are unimportant and don’t matter much.”

Joseph was slightly stunned, thinking that he touched her sore point. He felt a bit guilty, “Sorry.”

“What do you have to be sorry about?”

Hayden twitched the corners of her mouth, smiled in a self-mocking way.

“You know what? My father always told me that my mother passed away due to illness. The whole Downey family and even my grandfather said the same thing. But if my father really didn’t let my mother down at that time, how could have Chelsea been born before her mother was married into the Downey family? She was even two months older than me.”

Adults think children are easy to fool. But although children are childish, they are not stupid.

“You hate your father?”

Hayden nodded once but then shook her head.


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