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Professor F novel Chapter 36

They finished their meal and threw their trash on the bin. They then wore their masks back and went straight to the shooting game stall. The largest pink furry cat is the first prize. And she could imagine her eyes turning into kitty cat eyes, hoping and wishing she can have it.

They both got their shooting guns and started. August wasted all her bullets on the first try. It's Flynn's turn and she couldn't take her eyes off of him as he expertly places the gun up and aimed for the target to get the first prize.

"Wow! You really sure you can hit that?" She asked.

"Watch me, princess." He took a deep breath and sighed softly as he pulled the trigger and in slow motion, she saw the target gunned down. She screamed and jumped for joy, hugging Flynn. She can't help herself smiling widely as the guy behind the stall gives her the big furry cat as her prize.

"Oh my God! You did it! This is so fun!" She kissed him on the cheek.

"You wanna try the claw grabber?" He asked, looking pleased and proud.

They went to the machine and this time, he allowed Flynn to do it alone and didn't waste anymore money with her useless claw grabbing skills.

And without even trying too hard, he was able to get the plush toy she wanted! He got her the cute little cat and penguin!

"How'd you do it? You look so good using those machines!" She's so thrilled with the toys they got as prizes. "This is the first time I actually got the prizes I wanted on those stalls and machines!"

He smiled shyly but it didn't reach his eyes. He looked away as if he remembered something.

"Is something wrong?"

He puts his arms around her shoulder since they couldn't hold hands because she's holding all the toys in her hand while hugging the big furry cat stuffed toy.

"I used to go and play on parks like this. In London." He answered looking far away as they take a seat on the bench facing the blue ocean.

He brushes her shoulder with his thumb as he rests his back on the bench, as if he's remembering good memories with someone close to him. His eyes smiled and then looked at her. "She taught me how to play those. She's a very fun and loving mother. And that's why I'm not too scared of the rides or those silly horror houses anymore." He paused. "You're probably wondering why I never mentioned my family to you."

She sighed and looked at the blue ocean as the cold breeze blows her shoulder length hair. "I always believe people keep things to themselves for a reason. Whatever your reason is, I respect that. You can always tell me when you're ready."

She rests her head on his shoulders and she felt him kissing her head. "Thank you, August."

To conclude their date that day they decided to ride the Giant Wheel. It was already dark so they could see the lights glowing from above and the stars in the sky from the glass windows of the enclosed ride.

She felt Flynn's arm around her shoulders, hugging her while they're seated. And then a loud popping sound commenced followed by a colorful burst in the sky.

"Fireworks! Look!" She smiled at Flynn who was looking at her. She blushed when she saw that sexy expression on his face as he lowers the mask and he lifts his hand to remove hers. "F—Flynn."

He hushed her with a gentle kiss while the fireworks continued to paint the sky. She responded to his kisses and placed her arms around his shoulders. He slowly pushed her on the seat and hovered his body slightly to hers.


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