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Professor F novel Chapter 81

August held her breath, staring at Garett who tried to compose himself when Gabi approached their table.

Gabi goes back to her seat with a huge smile on her lips, as if she’d made them a favor of leaving them alone for that phone call. ”Sorry. I had to take that call. So, what were you talking about?”

August drinks from her glass of champagne before looking at Garett who then thought of a way to switch the topic to something else by asking Gabi about her work and studies.

Dinner ended smoothly as if no big revelation happened between Garett and August. Gabi went ahead to hop in the car, leaving Garett and August to walk out of the restaurant together.

Garett took that chance to speak to her privately. He holds August’s arm and gently pulling her to one side, preventing her from taking another step towards the car. "Thank you, August."

She smiled as she glanced at Gabi's direction, waiting in the car and looking at them. "Don't mention it." She waved her hand at her roommate. "Looks like she's excited to hear my thoughts about this dinner."

"I'll tell her. I'll clear my schedule to talk to her and my parents." Garett promised. "But, of course, you can tell her you don't like me once I drop you off."

She giggled. "I can't do that."

"What do you mean?"

"You're perfect. I like you, Garett. But not on that level, of course. As friends." She offered her hand for a handshake.

Garett looked so relieved as his lips twisted into a smile. "How about a hug?"

"Sure." August opened her arms and hugged him back as his arms wrapped around her body. She was smiling widely when she noticed a guy standing by the restaurant's entrance, as if staring at them. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the man's face.


She had to give a second look to make sure but when she did, a large group of customers stormed in and the view got crowded, making it difficult for her to spot that familiar face.


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