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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 102

I massaged my forehead while I continued looking at Dawn, banging on the door.

No matter how much I tried to stop her, she wouldn’t let me.

“Dawn! This is embarrassing,” I muttered. The twins did not even attempt to stop her.

“I am not embarrassed. This is about your happiness we are talking about, River. All I want is for you to be happy together with your mate. So you have to tell him what you feel, okay?”

I groaned. Right now, I had no plans of telling anyone about how I felt toward the alpha king. I was not comfortable saying it.

“The alpha king has another mate, okay? Why can’t you understand that? Stop that. Let’s go back to our room.”

Dawn stomped her foot as if she was a child. “I want you to be paired with him. No other woman.” She faced the door again. “What took them so long? Your Majesty! Alpha King Maxxwell! Open the damn door.”

“Luna Dawn. That’s not locked. You can barge in,” Clara urged, which earned her a pinch on her side by Flare. “What? I am only suggesting. I am rooting for River and the alpha king. Not the other woman.”

Beta Valentine threw his hands in the air.

“Woman! Have you no shame? That is the alpha king we are talking about. Let the two rest!” Beta Valentine’s voice boomed across the hallways.

“I’m not talking to you, mutt!” she replied.

Which the beta did not take lightly anymore. His nostrils flared, and before we could react, he strolled towards Dawn, yanked the woman’s wrist, carried her, and put her on his broad shoulders. Dawn looked like nothing but a sack of potatoes as she hung upside down against his back.

The twins and my eyes bulged while covering our mouths using our hands.

“Mutt! Could you put me down this instant? This is a disgraceful position. I can perfectly see the mold of your butt.”

Beta Valentine’s cheeks were tainted with red.

“Mutt! Want me to pinch them for you?” Dawn asked sweetly.

She positioned her two hands, but before she could carry out her plans, the beta smacked the woman’s bottom.

Dawn gasped and, when she recovered, pounded the man’s back. The beta flinched, but that was not enough to change his mind. “How dare you!”

“You do not have the right to meddle in anyone else's relationship.”

“Like the fuck I care, mutt?! I care more about River than your pathetic opinions.”

Beta Valentine sighed, and it seemed like he had no desire to free the woman. “What a stubborn leech,” he said and walked away with her.

“Put me down! I said!”

Dawn continued wriggling, but the more Beta Valentine tightened his hold on her ass, went to the beta’s wing until we could no longer see them.

The twins and I exchanged glances.

I opened my mouth, but the door opened.

“Who is bold enough to disturb the alpha king and me?” Zenith said while glaring at us. “You.” She adjusted her robe. She seemed sober now compared to earlier. “What do you want? Tell me. Maxxwell and I had some important business.”


I was taken aback.

Now, the alpha king was allowed to call him using his given name. That was fast.

My chest tightened, but I tried to disregard the pain I was feeling right now. I had no time for that.

“It was not me.”


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