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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 51

I jumped and shrieked simultaneously while glaring at the newcomer—Nobody. Did he lure me into this alley for what purpose?

“Do you want to kill me, huh?” I asked while clutching my chest, beating frantically.

He put his hands in the air as if he was silently surrendering while his eyes twinkled in mischief.

"Why are you acting as if we are friends, huh?" I asked again.

From where I was standing, I could still hear the people selling their fabrics and herbal medicines.

"I am not, River," he answered as if he was pouting.

Nobody (as he told me) was better compared to his state before we separated. He looked handsome.

He is an enemy of the alpha king. Why do you waste your time on him?

Even if he was the alpha king’s enemy did not mean my enemy also.

He chuckled, not minding my erratic heartbeat. “Scaredy-cat.”

“Why are you here? You are a rogue. The alpha king is looking for you. After what you did to the dungeon.”

"I came by to say my greetings. And to give you this." He pulled out a bundle of herbal medicines. "I saw it in the marketplace and suddenly remembered you. Then found you coming out from that jewelry store where nobles frequently entered."

I licked my lower lips. It was the set of medicine I was looking at earlier, which I wanted to buy but stopped myself from doing so.

"Greetings? Are you my lover?"

"Lover?" He stifled a laugh but laughed throughout. "That's a wild imagination you got there, River. Come here and get this from me."

The medicines were calling me. It would be a waste if I did not get it. I could use it whenever I had to heal someone. But still…he was an enemy of the kingdom. He acted as if he did not kill a lot of innocent people.

I scanned my surroundings. This was the darkest and most secluded part of the marketplace. This man sure did think before drawing me here.

"Are you scared I might hurt you?" He smirked. "I may be the villain of your lover's life, but I won't hurt you. I vow it," he said casually. "Come here, River."

We were mere meters away from each other. If he wanted to, he could close the distance between us and give it to himself. But no. He wanted me to stroll towards him as if he wanted to see if I trusted him or not.

"You don't want this?" he asked and shook the bundle. "Too bad. I spent a fortune on this one, River. Everything here is expensive. It will be a waste if I throw them away."

I kept my silence.

Losing his patience, the rogue went to a nearby garbage and was on the brink of throwing the medicinal herbs when I strolled towards him and grabbed it away.

"You shouldn't throw them. They can save a life," I muttered.

His expression turned softer and more satisfied. "That's what I want you to do—save someone's life. Just like what you did for me and how you healed your lover."

How come he knows about me healing the alpha king? No one knew about that. Was there a traitor inside the palace?

Glaring, I muttered, "No need to bring the past. And who are you referring to? I don't have a lover."

He shrugged his broad shoulders. "Who else? Black Heart. He is your lover."

I gasped and looked at him in disbelief.

I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Lover? Delusional. I don't have plans of being an addition to his harem. Go away now. I am telling you that because of these herbs you gave me. If the alpha king sees you, he will kill you on the spot."

He pretended to hug himself. “I’m scared.”

I gritted my teeth. How could this rogue infiltrate the palace, given the tight security?

“Stop making fun of him. He is the alpha king. The ruler of the kingdom.”

His frown deepened. "Hmmm. I never thought you were now speaking on his behalf. Why? You like him that much?” He encircled me, observing me while I remained immobile. “Why do you like Black Heart, River? He is incapable of loving anyone except his mate. Ah. What was the name of that woman? Zenith?”

I stilled and looked at him. “You know Zenith?"

He shrugged his shoulders. " I saw her."


"A long time ago. When Black Heart brought her to the forest, something happened between them. You already know that something, River."

A night of passion.


"You watched them doing that kind of thing? Have you no shame?" I asked, horrified. "You should have left them alone."

The thought of Zenith and the alpha king sharing a passionate night while the moon hovered over them felt like…a bite in my chest.

Why did I feel hurt when I imagined the two of them together? Did I already like the alpha king?

I inwardly did a mental shake. I refused to like him. Period.

How about you, River? Haven't you listened to Elijah and the alpha king's private moment?

"It was unintentional. Don't waste your time lecturing me, woman. I am a rogue, and I am allergic to doing proper etiquette," the rogue said, bringing me back to the present.

"Intentional foot. You want to kill him that time."

He stopped and leaned closer to me as if he was inspecting me.

He clicked his tongue. "Now. I remember. You look like that woman. Perhaps that is the reason why he is interested in you. Imagine seeing your dead mate's face after a long time and thinking it was her who was raised from the dead."

"I look like her?"

I did not know that. The alpha king did not tell me.

He gave me a pointed look. "Oh. Is that supposed to be a secret of Black Heart? Sorry. I wasn't informed he hid it away from you.”

The alpha king always hides something from me. Even that precious knowledge. Did it also mean that whenever he looked at me, he was seeing Zenith?


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