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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 80

All we could do was stare at Lady Juliana's retreating form.

'You went overboard, River,' the alpha king said using our mind link.

'Did I? I'm sorry, Your Majesty,' I said, still smiling.

'Your apologies are not genuine.'

I winked at him and faced the two alphas.

"Now that Lady Juliana left us, is it okay that it's only the three of us who will proceed to the dining area?" I asked.

"We can, Your Grace," Alpha Wade answered.

When we reached the dining area, Alpha Erik was already there, attending to the servants, and making sure everything was ready.

It was a feast. A lot of mouth-watering foods were displayed, an extravagance that I had not experienced in a lifetime.

If the alpha king did not lie to me about being his queen, I would be standing with the other servants.

I inhaled deeply. Well, I wanted to savor this moment while it lasted.

The dinner was an intimate one composed of Alpha Erik, Alpha Wade, and me. It would be more fun if Lady Juliana were also present, but after walking out, I never knew where she had been.

The servants stood beside us and were ready to serve if there was something we wanted to eat. Looking at them reminded me of my past on how I would try my best not to commit a single mistake for fear of Alpha Wade’s punishment.

The alpha king’s hand rested on my lap as if silently telling me he was always there for me.

I appreciated this man. For what he was doing so far. He was also one of the reasons why I dared to stand against Alpha Wade and Alpha Erik, even if my insides were shaking.


That was what I was good at only.

“Alpha Erik, I would like to extend my congratulations on your upcoming wedding,” I said, grinning from ear to ear, breaking the thick silence surrounding us.

“I don’t know what you’re—”

“Oh, come on, Alpha Erik. Alpha Wade informed us that you’re going to marry Lady Juliana. If not for your father, the alpha king, and I wouldn’t know about it,” I said, cutting off his words.

I grabbed some grilled chicken legs I hadn’t eaten once when I was still in Haverstone Pack and munched on a piece of meat. I did not care if I was eating gracefully or not. The food was so tasty that I forgot how a fake queen should behave.

Alpha Wade was silently watching my eating etiquette. To taunt him more, I “accidentally’ put some grain of rice in the corner of my mouth.

The alpha king stilled beside me and said, “My Queen, you have some....”

Without waiting for my reply, he removed the grain from my mouth, to which I responded with a chuckle.

Reminded of Alpha Erik, I shifted my gaze at him as I grabbed the tissue the alpha king had given me while saying. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

He was watching the scene flashing in front of his eyes.

I wondered what he was feeling now. Regret? Jealousy? Or disgust? I could not really tell.

“I see. Father has already informed you, Your Grace.”

“And I also informed him that we were…you know?” I chuckled when I saw Alpha Wade gritting his teeth. Did he already regret inviting the alpha king right now? I would be happy if he did. “I thought that Alpha Wade already knew, Alpha Erik. Forgive me.”

He forced a smile and answered, “There is nothing to forgive, Your Grace. It’s my fault for forgetting to inform Father.”


More like you were hiding it.


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