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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 85

I lost track of time and how much I slept when my back hit the bed. When I awakened, it was already midnight, precisely three o'clock.

I patted the side where the alpha king usually slept, but it was already cold. There was a high chance the alpha king never entered the room after I arrived.

Sitting, I roamed around and listened to the surroundings. It was dead quiet. The alpha king was nowhere to be found.

I hopped out of bed and was halted by a headache. It felt like my head would split open.

Damn it.

It was because of the drink. I should have never let myself be swayed by that expensive wine. Took about having the lowest alcohol content for the werewolves, only to find it was a scam.

I tried to remember all the scandalous things I did while drunk.


Images of what had happened at the library resurfaced—our passionate kiss. The alpha king's hands are on my waist—his erotic voice against my ears.

My cheeks felt hot, as if I was being boiled.

I fanned myself.

I did leave the alpha king there. Based on my last memory, he never went after me, and we did not talk after that. He just dumped me alone as if he wanted me to think.

Now that I was sober, I wanted to talk to him and apologize for what I said. So what if he still loved Zenith? I won't beg him to love me. Everything I said was because of the wine. Not because of what I wanted to say.

I better go after him to clear things between us before he thinks anything and gives meaning to it.

I looked for my slippers and saw them under the bed. Realizing I was still wearing my dress, I took it off and changed into a pair of sleepwear.

'You have to find Maxxwell,' my wolf suddenly said.

'What's your name? You told me you would tell me your name.'

She hesitated for a moment. 'Sunflower.'

'Sunflower? Is that for real?'

She rolled her eyes at me. 'No need to make fun of my name, okay? The Moon Goddess gives us our names. She said the name fit me. As if.'

Yeah, right.

There were stories among werewolves that before our wolves were given a physical body—to us, it was rumored that they got to meet the Moon Goddess and gave them names.

I stifled a laugh. The name Sunflower was more like the opposite of my wolf's personality. She was far from the symbol it symbolizes—happiness. She was always gloomy, like she was always on the brink of punching and biting anyone who dared to block her way.

'I want to call you Sun since you wanted to be the queen that much.'

'Whatever you want as long as you look for the alpha king. And I want to tell you something. Please don't make me feel as if wanting to be the queen is a bad thing.'

I gave Sunflower a half-shrug.

The hallway was silent. The only thing I heard was the sound of my slippers slapping against the cold floor.

The party was done?

I wasn't able to greet Alpha Wade.

As if he appreciates your presence, a part of my mind said.

Maybe Alpha Wade was relieved he did not see me and his party was not ruined. Too bad. I should have greeted him.

'Try to contact His Majesty, River.'

My mind went back to the present.

'Why are you worried for him? He is an adult. A powerful alpha king. He can kill anyone with a snap of his fingers. No need to stress yourself.'

Sunflower growled at me. 'I miss him, okay? I want to kiss him again.'

My cheeks flushed upon remembering the hot kisses we shared. Did Alpha King Maxxwell still bother about what happened?

'Shut up.'

'I won't. I love the alpha king.'

I staggered for a moment and continued my pace. I still had no idea of the alpha king's whereabouts, but I would find him if he were still inside the packhouse.

'You love someone who cannot even forget Zenith?'


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