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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 341

Read Chapter 341 – 342 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 341

The so-called work unit can be regarded as a small society.

However, Suzi didn’t even look at Rayna, and only calmly said to Galia, “It’s okay.”

Arron had been captured, and Suzi didn’t know who he could live that day.

The so-called barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

She doesn’t care.

Galia: “…”

Walton roared: “You! Stand up for me!”

She roared so sharply and loudly that everyone around Suzi could hear and see them. Some of them were eating and some were cooking, but at this moment, all eyes were scribbled. Looking at Suzi.

Among them, it also includes the architect Linda, who was tasked by the director to take Suzi for a week.

“Huh! It’s not a worry. It was only the first day I came to the company to provoke right and wrong, and it happened to provoke the company’s relatives and relatives. I thought how capable I was, let me bring such a visionary. Waste, really bad luck!” Linda said to her companion very lightly.

“What, your new apprentice?” asked the companion.

Linda sneered: “I’m panicking, look at her dressed, old-fashioned, conservative, she is walking out of the corner of a small remote county town. I don’t know if the director and the personnel in the personnel department are eye-catching. Blind, even recruiting such a woman with no sense of fashion to the design department.

I can’t bring out such a woman even if I have brought it for ten years.

Also wasting time.

But that’s okay. Ms. Rayna made such a fuss. I guess she will have to leave today. “

As soon as Linda’s voice fell, Rayna’s voice increased by several decibels: “You shameless mistress! Have you heard me speak, stand up for me!”

Suzi still eats seriously, just one bite of the meal, very calm.

Galia: “…” If it weren’t for Rayna’s presence, Galia would call her cousin immediately.

Rayna roared even more desperately: “You are deaf, you junior!”

Suzi put down his chopsticks and raised his eyes to look at Rayna, and asked slowly: “Do I know you? Did I rob your man? Or did I rob you of your man? You call my mistress one by one, if you If you call my junior, I will immediately sue you for slander! Miss, please stay away from me, I am sick of you!”

“You!” Rayna was so angry that Suzi almost didn’t control her hand that was about to hit someone. When she thought of public places here, she pressed angrily and asked, “My brother-in-law introduced you!”

“I know your brother-in-law is a man or a ghost!” Suzi said.

“You should know Joan!” Rayna asked ferociously.

“Then please tell Joan, don’t try to flatter me in the future, even if he confesses to me ten thousand times that he loves me, I will not look down on him!” Suzi said very contemptuously.

Rayna: “You…”

A soaring anger surged into her heart, and Rayna couldn’t help it anymore. She wanted to tear off Suzi’s hair!

“What happened?” A clear voice came.

Rayna’s hand also stopped in the air, and she turned her head to see a figure.

A man in a suit and leather shoes was walking towards them with a dinner plate. The man was more than 1.8 meters tall, tall and slender, with peach eyes that looked like a smile but a smile, giving people a dull expression that he wanted to read all the women in the world. .

“Mr. Jun, why did you have Yaxing eating in the cafeteria today?” Rayna changed her charming face and looked at Lenny Jun with a smile.

Lenny was when Rayna didn’t exist.

He only came to Suzi and asked with a smile, “Suzi, how are you.”

Chapter 342

Suzi: “…” The man in front of her was in his early twenties, he didn’t look like Joan, and the man was a bit familiar.

Like who?

For a while, Suzi couldn’t remember it anymore.

She stared at the smiling man in a daze.


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