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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 359

Read Chapter 359 – 360 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 359

“You…you wait for me!”

Rayna was out of breath by Suzi for a long time, and her lips turned purple. She stroked her chest to calm her anger as much as possible, turned and limped and left the design department.

“You can!” Linda sneered and said sarcastically behind Suzi.

Suzi: “…”

She just pretended not to hear.

Because during the proofreading process, she discovered some Linda design problems.

Linda’s design style is very gorgeous. At first glance, it is particularly eye-catching and makes people feel comfortable, but architectural design is different from fashion design.

If the architectural design only considers gorgeousness and not firmness, it is a big hidden danger.

A senior designer like Linda, don’t you understand?

Suzi looked up at Linda.

Linda is running against Suzi with a few colleagues: “Newcomer, do you really think that you were able to reach the sky once you were protected by Mr. Jun yesterday? Mr. Jun rarely appeared in the company.

Do not come once a week or even a month.

Even if he will come to the company again today, I bet Mr. Jun doesn’t know you anymore, believe it or not? Do you know why Master Jun guarded you yesterday? “

Suzi originally wanted to give Linda some deficiencies in her design, but now she doesn’t want to point it out. She just looked up at Linda: “Why?”

“Because he has a lot of delicacies and delicacies, he wants to eat bitter vegetables for a different taste.

I watched too much with beautiful women, aesthetically tired, and suddenly saw an old woman in the countryside, suddenly felt fresh, which means one thing. “



The office was full of laughter.

Linda looked at Suzi with a grin: “Just kidding, just kidding, under normal circumstances, the new staff, we all make a joke like this, Suzi, don’t you mind?”

Suzi smiled slightly: “Don’t mind.”

“Okay, okay, we’re starting to work, Suzi, you proofread as soon as possible,” Linda said.

“Yeah.” When Suzi was about to sit down and continue to look at Linda’s design work, someone behind her called her: “Suzi, come to the personnel department.”

Suzi felt a little bit in his heart, shouldn’t the personnel department let her go because of Rayna’s complaint?

Get out! Get out!

Suzi got up and followed the man to the personnel department.

It’s not a big deal either, mainly because she just came yesterday, and the Human Resources Department hasn’t had time to tell her some employee rules and the like. New employees always have a small meeting. This small meeting was lengthy and not substantive, and it ran for an hour as soon as it opened.

But Suzi has always listened carefully.

At the end of the meeting, Suzi returned to the office of the design department. As soon as she walked in, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Several colleagues took a peek at her, but quickly avoided.

What happened?

Suzi was taken aback.

But she also knew that she was a newcomer, and yesterday she was offended by Mr. Jun’s different eyes. Even if something happened to the design department, no one would tell her.

Suzi can only pay more attention to himself.

With this attention, she found that her chair was not right.

The chair in her position looks exactly the same as her original chair from the outside, but this chair is a little bit backward. Suzi is engaged in architecture, and she can see the difference between the two chairs at a glance.

This is definitely not her original chair, there must be a problem with this chair!

Chapter 360


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