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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 397

Read Chapter 397 – 398 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 397

Help him dress?

Suzi had never helped a man put on clothes in her life. She didn’t know where to start. She saw that the man was waiting for her with her arms up. She took out the top of the house clothes and put on his left arm first. Then the right arm was put on both sides, and there was only a button left.

When buttoning the buttons, she had to be close to him, basically she had to be close to him, she could smell from him a breath of clear lines that had just come out of the bath, despite the cold weather now, he has always been Take a cold shower.

However, his skin was hot again.

When the fingertips touched a little bit, she would feel a numb sensation in her fingers, and she immediately retracted in fright, only the first few buttons, but it was particularly difficult for her to buckle.

Especially for the two above, he is 1.9 meters tall. She is not short, but is shorter than him by more than 20 centimeters, so she has to tiptoe to button him. As a result, she could not stand firmly.

Inadvertently, the whole person crashed into his arms.

She realized that it was his hard as iron arm that held her behind her back. She immediately pushed her hands out subconsciously, but the tighter she pushed his hoop.

Before she struggled out, his lips were already covered.

However, at this moment, his cell phone rang.

The phone was in the pile of clothes he took off. When the man heard the phone ringing, a stern and cruel expression flashed across his face, but it just flashed past, and he let Suzi go to answer the phone. .

Suzi took this opportunity and finally escaped.

The call was from his father Fu Zhengxiong: “Arron, since you brought the only one here last time, it hasn’t been here for two or three weeks. Your grandfather, I, and your aunt all miss the one. Tomorrow is the weekend, you Come back with the only one!”

The father’s words were half pleading and half command.

“I see.” Arron did not refuse either.

Since his father asked him to go back to the old house, he will go back to the old house with a family of three tomorrow.

When he took up the cord, put the phone down, and looked at the twisted buttons on the front of his shirt, the man couldn’t help laughing. Then he adjusted the buttons again, put on the house pants, and then came out with slippers. It just so happened that Sister Li also returned with Lilly.

After all, what a man has to do is not done, but it is okay. Leave it to the evening for a longer time.

This evening, it was destined that Suzi would personally reward the man who taught her to practice driving skills.

After the reward was over, the man still sneered at her with a grim look: “I’m unlucky enough to marry you. I have to teach you how to drive during the day or night. After teaching you for so long, you are still so stupid! You are everywhere! I hold you!”

Suzi raised his wrist and hit the man’s chest.

As soon as the man grasped her wrist, the other arm circled her from under her head and neck for a week, then raised his arm and pressed off the wall lamp, and said only one sentence: “Sleep.”

Next day

She woke up very early, got up and chose a comfortable casual outfit. She thought they would go to practice cycling today. However, the man said, “I won’t practice cycling today.”

Suzi: “Oh…”

She felt relieved. She didn’t want to practice the car too much, and she didn’t want to drive too much, because she was a person who couldn’t afford a car. Even if she saved some money, she had to find a way to find Xue Sanford.

And, go back home to visit the grave of the dead mother.

These are the two big things that she has at the center of her life.

Where is she who can afford to drive a car? Although he bought a car for her, she didn’t want it too much.

Therefore, it would be nice not to practice driving. She can accompany the only person at home today, and then check some information to consolidate her knowledge of design. After all, when she goes to work, she is also considered the chief designer.

However, what she didn’t expect was that Arron said next: “After dinner, I changed into clothes and took the one and only back to Fu’s old house with me.”

Suzi: “Ah? Going back to the old house again? That…isn’t it as long as you take the one back home? The only time you went back to the old house caused such a big trouble, this time… Go?”

“Don’t you want to recognize your in-laws?” Arron asked.

Chapter 398

Suzi shook his head decisively.


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