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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 467

Read Chapter 467 – 468 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 467

The disparity between him and her.

She can’t escape his palm.

He spoiled her, he could teach her to drive with his hands, he could get a marriage certificate with her, and he could even take her to the Fu’s old mansion to declare sovereignty. However, in front of his friends who really had a deadly friend, she was nothing.

After returning home, Suzi did not speak. After eating, she did not ask Lilly. Anyway, she knew that Arron and Lilly interacted with each other after dinner. Suzi only took the phone and entered her bedroom. Then click on the privately set up a dozen people’s parent group, from top to bottom, climb the stairs one by one.

She didn’t read it a few days ago, and she didn’t know. With this review, she saw that someone questioned her when she first joined the group. From time to time, when she didn’t reply in time, there were several comparisons in the group. Active women, make irresponsible remarks.

What to say, Lilly’s mother stopped speaking when she had something to do and needed to cash out.

There are more sharp ones, and they will directly say: Mommy Shen Only, if you have difficulties, please don’t join this group and don’t occupy a position, okay?

The reason why some people say so bluntly not to drive Suzi away is because of a recent incident. Susan’s mother told her a few days ago that everyone discussed whether or not to take the kindergarten’s original family home. The bourgeoisie, and the parents of the swollen face and fat people blasted out of the kindergarten together with their children, and the province dirty the pure land of the kindergarten. In order to make the conference appear formal afterwards, they decided to hold a party.

The place where the party is held is a very high-end hotel.

This hotel Suzi has never been to this hotel, but I see a few ladies showing off. A bottle of wine in it costs 200,000 yuan, the knives and forks in it are all sterling silver, and a cake tower in it costs tens of thousands. The environment It’s very beautiful. All kinds of.

These are all discussions in the group a few days ago, but Suzi has never participated in the discussion.

In the end, they proposed to exchange 50,000 yuan per person, twelve people, exactly 600,000 yuan. Hold a small salon.

The other mothers had all the money ready, but Suzi did not respond for a long time. This is the reason why Guan Sitian’s mother blocked Suzi at the entrance of the kindergarten and despised Suzi when she was the only one to leave the kindergarten today.

Suzi now thinks about it, it’s not unfounded that people despise her.

Now that you have agreed to participate in this small gathering, why do you not pay for it? Although I know that this small gathering of twelve people is to discuss how to drive the vanity-loving poor mother out of the kindergarten, the actual bigger purpose may be that more than a dozen broad wives with superior lives are idle and want to think about each other. Show off.

However, Suzi has to go too.

The adults are not pure, but the children play purely and have fun together. Shen only needs friends and environment.

Suzi must let the only one stabilize.

Fifty thousand yuan.

When she thinks of fifty thousand yuan, Suzi thinks that six years ago, she had asked Arron to borrow fifty thousand yuan to return it to the Lin family, even though she was very unfamiliar with Arron. Now it is fifty thousand yuan.

Fifty thousand yuan is not much.

But for Suzi, all her assets are only a few hundred dollars in her pocket.

At the only parent group gathering, Suzi still had to ask Arron for money. Thinking of this, Suzi opened the door of the bedroom to find Arron, only to find that there was only Lilly in the toy room. What about Arron?

“Unique, where is your father?” Suzi asked Shen Unique.

Shen Only’s milky voice repeated to his mother three times: “My dad said he is going to make a very important, very important, very important call!”

Suzi: “…”

Chapter 468

Very important call?

Do you want to go up and ask him for money?


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