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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 495

Read Chapter 453 – 496 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 495

However, in his eyes, you are just a plaything, a prisoner after all.

Suzi silently hung up the phone without saying anything.

Arron: “…”

He suddenly felt that Suzi had nothing to say.

What happened to her?

What’s on your mind?

Just when Arron was about to make a phone call to ask questions, he saw several doctors running into Elder Shu’s ward at the same time.

Arron was already in his heart, and immediately followed into the ward, and saw the old man staring at his eyes, foaming at his mouth, always short of breath and unable to breathe. The doctor immediately fed the old man Suxiao Jiuxin Pills and pushed forward. Rescue room.

In the process of rescuing Mr. Shu, Arron made room again and planned to call Suzi and ask her if there was anything wrong. Before calling, he turned on the surveillance video at home again.

There is no Suzi in the living room.

Not in the only small bedroom.

Arron could not see her bedroom without monitoring, Arron could only go to see her bedroom, and there was no Suzi.

Finally, he had to turn his head and aim the remote control camera at the door of the public bathroom outside, only to find that the door was wide open. The man peeked the remote control camera in again, and suddenly saw the woman who had just come out of the bath standing on the washstand. Take care of your skin before.

Arron suddenly sneered!

Little lady!

Quite leisurely!

Suzi is not taking care of her skin. She is applying cooling ointment to the other cheek. This ointment was given to her by the kind doctor who gave her ice packs. After applying ointment, the skin can recover faster and evenly applied. After that, Suzi wore pajamas and dragged his wide slippers directly back to his large bedroom, directly clenching the bed.

On this side, looking at the monitoring man: “…”

Even if it was his own bedroom and his own home, the man could look at it again. He immediately turned off the surveillance and didn’t call Suzi again because he didn’t want to disturb her sleeping. However, what the man who turned off the video didn’t know was that Suzi was not sleeping in his bed.

But crying.

She cried for not being able to live up to her temper. He treated herself like this, but she still missed his bedroom, his bedclothes, and even his bedroom was filled with the purely masculine smell of tobacco. She was nestled in his bed, and she thought about the feeling of two people sitting on a swing together a few days ago when he took her to the top floor.

He embraced her.

However, this is only a few days?

Suzi really wanted to ask Arron personally, what is the relationship between Siu and you?

Siu must occupy a very important position in your heart, right? If not, you would not indulge her so much!

But Suzi decided that she would not ask anything.

Because, I don’t want to make myself more pitiful, and there is no retreat.

Isn’t it just being punished by Siu!

The most ruined, the reputation is extremely bad, and then everyone swears to death, what else?

After figuring this out, Suzi simply relaxed and went to sleep. On the contrary, she slept very heavily during this time, and she slept until dawn without any dreams.

Next day

The mother and daughter get up normally and come to the restaurant for breakfast normally.

The twittering Lilly asked Suzi enthusiastically while eating, “Mom, we will spend the weekend with the two of us today. Can’t you take me to McDonald’s? Every time I ask my dad to eat McDonald’s, my dad doesn’t agree. , I always say that it’s junk food. Mom, when Dad is not at home, we will eat it once, okay?”

Seeing her daughter’s greedy little appearance, Suzi immediately smiled: “Okay, today my mother will take you to McDonald’s, we eat both, and my mother likes to eat too.”

“Hehe, mother, you are also a glutton.” Lilly laughed at Suzi.

Suzi also smiled and said, “I didn’t learn from you yet, little glutton!”

Chapter 496


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